What religion am I??? Who knows? I am sure I fit somewhere because I doubt I am the only person that thinks like this.
This is the definition of my GOD.
GHOD: noun; The Frank Spelling = “GHOD” ;)
Ghod is energy, a force that drives the mechanics of the universe.
Ghod is a universal force that makes the laws of physics work.
Ghod is the barrier that determines how fast things can go, how much energy is in a particular molecule.
Ghod is not sentient as we are sentient for it has no thought, motive, plans, ideas, or self-awareness; as it is everything that is existent.
Ghod is everything that is within the boundaries of the dark void beyond matter and energy.
Ghod is the defining web that holds everything together.
Ghod is the foundation that the unexplainable is built on.
Ghod is Chaos.
Ghod is Order.
Ghod controls nothing consciously, but rules over everything inherently.
Ghod is nor good or evil.
Ghod is a standard.
Ghod has no pity or emotions.
There is no heaven or hell.
There is no good or evil.
There are ideas that are created by sentient being to try and place order to the existing environment.
There is no afterlife.
In the fading seconds of our life, the energy and chemicals that make up our thoughts and personalities will die with us; like the dim fading light on a flashlight with a dying battery.
When you pray in your bed at night, you are alone.
Given enough time, anything is possible and anything will happen.
There is no fate, there is only chance.
Ghod doens't influence your life directly, good or bad.
There are more things to this universe than human's know.
I believe in ghosts and spirits, and alternate plains of existence.
I don’t believe they are from anyone that used to “live” in this plain.
If there is any contact with ghosts or spirits that claim to be once living, I believe that it is another form of imitating life that we still don’t fully understand.