Me and my friends
darkmerlin and
renx99 had a religious conversation last night, being that is was like Good Friday today and Easter Sunday is a few days away. Religious conversations are funny and amusing to me. We were focusing on Mormonism this time around. Only cause
darkmerlin is an ex-Mormon.
The real funny thing that we brought up was the rewrite Joseph Smith did as to WHY Lucifer was supposedly cast down from heaven. In the Mormon belief system, they explained it as Lucifer wanted to take glory away from God and rain on his plans to send Jesus down. They also in some sense believe Lucifer wanting to be higher than God himself.
The original bible does state... “Lucifer will fall from heaven and be cut down to the ground. Lucifer thought he could exalt his throne above the stars of God. He thought he would be like the most High.” So god punished Satan for wanting to be “like the most High” Well in this case that would contradict what Mormons believed, so Joseph Smith did some rewrites I previously mentioned.
Here is what I am referring too.
Adam - God Doctrine "As man is, God once was; as God is, man may be." God was once just a man! Man can become God! (LDS Apostle James E. Talmage, Articles of Faith, Ch.24, p.430 - p.431,)
Doesn’t that conflict with why Lucifer was punished in the first place?? If man can be like GOD and Lucifer wanted to be as GOD. HMMM… Just weird.
Ok. I could go ON and ON about the messed up stuff but I just thought that was Funny as hell!
just read this