Lyric translation: Valkyrja by Yousei Teikoku

Jan 11, 2008 21:51

Another song by Yousei Teikoku for the HiME/Otome series, this time, it's the OP for the Mai Otome PS2 fighting game. Even though the game was said to have not lived up to gameplay expectations despite well-done cutscenes and graphics (can't say much about this as I've never played it), I'd say that the song is one of the finer points of it. To be honest, ikka enjoyed watching the opening video not only for the scenes it contained, but for the song as well.

Disclaimer: This translation is fanmade and Ikka does not claim that it is 100% accurate, but it is a product of much hard work and time. Please do not use without permission, though linking is OK.

Yousei Teikoku: Valkyrja
Vocals by YUI
Lyrics, composing and arrangement by Tachibana Takaha

貴石へ契り捧げて 互いの手をとりあい Dedicating pledges towards gems, clasping each other's hands
踊るも謀反の薔薇に 絡まれ裂かれ The dancing and rebelling roses entwine and split apart
貴方が為に恐れず 掴んだ棘を伝う Being unafraid for your sake, I seize and follow the thorns
想いの強い深さが 奏でるロンド A rondo played by the strength and depth of emotions

鏤めた花弁の中誇らしく Inlaying pride among petals
舞し乙女よ 果てせるまで O dancing maidens, face off till the end

少女は清らな聖衣に信義託して The girls entrust their faith towards pure holy robes
貴方の見据えた果てへの鍵となろう Becoming the keys to the conclusion you saw
気高き意志が紡いでゆく Weaving noble will
眩き光包まれて Enveloped in dazzling light
最期を告げるカリヨンまで Until the carillon declaring the final moment,
導き闘え Lead the way and battle

奇蹟が繋ぐ二人は 鏡に映るように The two bonded by miracle are as if reflected in a mirror
何人たりも犯せぬ 絆の下僕 A slave bound by ties that cannot be violated by anyone
貴方が為に今宵も 其の手を差し出すでしょう I suppose those hands were extended again tonight for your sake
隠した傷に気付いて 震える腕に Noticing concealed wounds at trembling arms

透き通る白き肌が穢れても Even if clear fair skin were to be sullied
舞し乙女よ 咲き誇らん O dancing maidens, unable to blossom

少女は清らな聖衣に痛み忍ばせ The girls hide their pain in pure holy robes
仇なす者へと向かうは死命なれど Although facing those that had become foes is fate
何より貴方護りたいと Wanting to protect you above all
軋んだ身体何度でも No matter the number of times the body grates
最期の鐘に召されるまで Until summoned by the final bell
迷わず闘う Battle unwaveringly

そそぐ涙 彩づく華よ Shed tears, a myriad of colorful flowers

少女は清らな聖衣に信義託して The girls entrust their faith towards pure holy robes
貴方の見据えた果てへの鍵となろう Becoming the keys to the conclusion you saw
気高き意志が紡いでゆく Weaving noble will
眩き光包まれて Enveloped in dazzling light
最期を告げるカリヨンまで Until the carillon declaring the final moment,
導き闘え Lead the way and battle

1) I found a translation on someone's blog...but didn't really make much reference to it because the final result differed quite a lot from mine. So this can be said to be ikka's first ever song translation done without reference to another. =D

2) There are some words my dictionaries had no result for, so some lines may be a bit wonky. All corrections and comments are most welcome.

3) Even though this clearly fits the Mai Otome context, especially that for Otome Butou Shi (the game it was the OP for), it fits the HiME Festival in some places as well imo. Anyone wants to add on this?

lyrics, my hime, translation, mai hime, yousei teikoku

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