Not exactly a very recent song, but translations for it haven't been easy to find. Which is also the reason ikka is attempting what seems to be the first English translation (so says Google), since there probably are folks that like this song as much as (or even more than) I do...
Here's hoping that this rather broken translation will be useful in helping fans gain a better understanding of the song and/or spreading the Yousei Teikoku love.
Disclaimer: This translation is fanmade and Ikka does not claim that it is 100% accurate, but it is a product of much hard work and time. Please do not use without permission, though linking is OK.
Yousei Teikoku: last moment
Vocals by YUI
Lyrics, composing and arrangement by Tachibana Takaha
This is the section repeated at the beginning, as well as at points throughout the song.
[Be in the grip of Death.
Mercy killing.
Last moment.]
白い光が差し込む 同じ目覚めを重ねた White light shines in, the same awakening repeats
赤い光が終わりを告げる 明日は来るのか… Red light declares the end, will tomorrow arrive?
何故に命を与えた? 何を成すため生まれた? Why was I given the gift of life? Was I born for the sake of accomplishing something?
神に祈りを捧げて 届く願いは無いのに I offer my prayers to the gods, although no requests get through to them
黒いハネをのばし 闇に迷う Spreading black feathers/wings, wavering in darkness
決別の痛みも 伝えないまま And the untouching pain of separation could not be conveyed still
無くしたくない記憶を くれた君には You, who gave me memories I do not wish to lose
私を忘れてなんて 偽善ね [speaking of] "Forget me" and the like, come now that's hypocrisy
何を願えば良いのか… I wonder what a good wish would be...
次に目が覚めるの 君の居ない所かもね The next time I wake, it may not be at a place you are at
空に還る日まで 声を聴かせて Until the day I return to the sky, let me hear your voice
かすれた声あげて 呼んだ君は「逝かなで」と Crying out hoarsely, you screamed "don't die"
君に触れられるの アトドレクライ? How many times do I have remaining to be touched by you?
今日は最期の日か? 君の中にまだイタイヨ! Is this the day of my last moment? I still want to stay inside you (inside your heart/thoughts)!
そんな想いさえも 消えてしまうの… Even this kind of emotion will disappear...
1) As should be expected of any Japanese translation ikka undertakes, a translation from somebody else was referred to. In this case, it is killknifex-san's Chinese translation, which was
posted at the 51hime forum. Any discrepancies from that are entirely of my own decision, however.
2) I reckon it can be taken that this song is from the point of view of the person singing, even if not all the lines make use of the personal pronoun.
3) Other than the Unmei no Keitouju OST, this song is also available on the band's album Gothic Lolita Propaganda.
4) All corrections and comments are welcome.