This guy above me became a lot of different men. He was the Reaper, he detached himself from his hind quarters and become a standard, standing 2 legged cat, only legs, torso and head. TAIL AND ASS NOT INCLUDED!! His face become gaunt and adorably menacing like a villainous muppet. But I was chillaxed through out it all, he was my friend and as such I knew he was just trying to entertain me.
My boo and I, spoke last night of god or the lack there of, of how cat assholes are actually about the same size as human assholes which is pretty wild for such cute tiny creatures. Are mammals really like 50% asshole? What about the other half? What's all that? We exchanged a lot of pretty thought provoking thoughts. It helped distract me from the awful anxiety and racing thoughts I've been cursed with before I sleep for the passed few years or so and I was eventually able to relieve myself of that awful state we call consciousness.
I sure hate this whole crap we have to do all the time with eating and sleeping. Mayhaps I should become a Meth Head so I never have to do any of those awful tasks again. I already look like an "after" pic from one of the many "Faces of Meth", might as well enjoy it.