LJ Interest meme results (Stolen from Dave_Loves_You)

Sep 20, 2005 10:03

LJ Interests meme results

  1. bjork:
    I've been a fan of Bjork's since the first Sugarcubes album came out in '88. She's brilliant, inventive, and not one to play by anyone else's guide book.
  2. dc vertigo series:
    My friend, Greg, lent me a copy of Hellblazer, and I've been Vertigo's bitch ever since. It's a more cerebrial/edgier side of DC Comics and you've gotta love them for including Neil Gaiman's THE SANDMAN in their arsenal.
  3. folklore:
    Folklore is something I've been fascinated by since I could talk, and I incorporate it into my work.
  4. horror:
    There are so many things that scare me that I find myself drawn to. I'm also into it's flipside (comedy), and have a jones for mystery/suspense. But, horror was the very first genre I identified with, and I'll always have a fondness for it.
  5. lynda barry:
    Lynda Barry is a genius. I used to clip out her comics from the free weekly City Paper and keep them in a scrap book. She can find humor in even the most bleak places.
  6. nina simone:
    Nina Simone's music is like visiting a conjour woman who'll speak all the things aloud you don't want to admit you think about.
  7. rap:
    Even though I'm very big on jazz and alternative, I'm also a pretty big fan of rap. I'm more into groups like Public Enemy, A Tribe Called Quest, The Roots, and De La Soul than artists that ramble off how many diamond-studded watches they own.
  8. shakespeare:
    I loved how prolific he was. He created many of the genres we still use today, and had a mastery of the language no one's come close to replicating.
  9. teen titans:
    A well-written cartoon that's both exciting and funny as hell. I can so relate to both Raven and Starfire.
  10. tool:
    Maynard James Keenan writes lyrics that make me want to hide under my bed, laugh hysterically, and sink my teeth into someone's neck all at the same time. I listen to Tool a LOT when I'm writing.

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