Stolen from
pantharos, because it's brilliant. The article is long, but worth it. They took
Joshua Bell, arguably one of the most amazing violinists in the world (he's played for most of the royals in Europe, and it is rare that he fails to sell out a performance), made him look like a normal guy, and put him in the Metro station. There, he played amazing music, for an hour, on a $3.5 million violin, with his case open and seeded with some bills and spare change.
Over a thousand people walked by in that hour. Most ignored him completely. Twenty-seven gave him money. He made a total of just over $30.
It's an amazing social commentary, but my favorite parts (and the parts that keep me from slitting my wrists after realizing what a banal world we live in), have to do with the people who stopped. A handful of people, having no idea who this musician was, took the time out of their busy morning to listen. They were so entranced by the music of this stranger, this street performer, that they gave him a little cash and 5 minutes of their time. They allowed themselves the enjoyment of beauty at the expense of their schedule. For one, brief moment, they gave the finger to banality.
If you've ever wondered what they look like, look no further. These people are Dreamers.