A federal district court judge in Boston ruled today that the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional! BOO YEAH!
I've been saying this ever since the DoMA was passed, lo these many years ago (in 1996). It has traditionally been the purview of the several states to determine who can and cannot be married -- and each state has been bound to accept marriages contracted in the other forty-nine. DoMA was put in place precisely to prevent states having to recognize same-sex marriages back when Hawaii was making some noise about maybe someday starting to think about allowing it. DoMA was then, and is today, an unconstitutional law, taking for the federal government a power that should have been for the states. All it needed was a challenge, and that was what I'd hoped to see for years.
Finally, finally, the challenge has been brought, and justice has prevailed.
(Justice will, of course, have to go to appeals court, but we can celebrate for now.)