Swiped from
1) First list all your OCs by first name so we can see your list of all your wonderful OCs:
Alessandra, Elvira, Umberto, Claudio, Francesco, Margherita, Aurelio, Cesare, Dionisio, Niccola, Stefano, Vittoria, Floria, Lucio, Marcello, Olivia, Amerigo, Augusto, Bianca, Donatella, Giacomo, Giambattista, Isotta, Ferrucio.
Damn, that's a lot.
2) Who is your favorite OC?
Hard to tell, but I think Giambattista and Aurelio are neck and neck for that title. I also have a soft spot for Ferrucio.
3) Who is your least favorite?
Cesare was relatively difficult to write, and of course there's Giacomo, the child-rapist.
4) Who is your most developed?
Giambattista and Giacomo.
5) Which OC would you want to date if they magically came to life?
Hard to tell, but probably either Dionisio or Aurelio.
6) How many girl OCs do you have? Boy OCs? It OCs?
Ten girls, fourteen boys.
7) If you were stuck in a burning building what do you think the third OC on your list would do?
Umberto Algardi? Ooo, tough one. Umberto is actually one of my least developed OCs. He'd probably make a rescue attempt or try to put the fire out or something like that.
8) Name one thing you regret about one of your OCs.
Stefano turned out to be far more whiny and insecure than I would have liked.
9) Which of your OCs do you think would make the best father/mother/it parent out of all your OCs and why?
I think that Aurelio and Niccola were surprisingly good parents while they lived, and probably Floria and Lucio as well, though they died when their son was much smaller. I suspect that Marcello would be an excellent daddy.
10) Which of your OCs do you think will most likely be put in jail?
Will most likely be put in jail? Claudio Borsa. Should be put in jail? Definitely Giacomo Rinuccini.
11) The eighth of your OCs was put into the future! What will their job be?!?
Prince Cesare? Probably the mayor of Verona!
12) Name the first OCs catch phrase! (if they don’t have one just make one up)
A catchphrase for Aunt Alessandra? Really? Probably something like "Well bless my soul."
13) Do all your OCs live together or are they separated?
No. They don't even all live in the same city.
14) Are there any pairings that are in your OC list?
Possibly one could count Donatella/Giacomo . . . she'd hate it, but he'd be all for it
Giambattista and Isotta are married and very good friends, though not lovers.
All my same-sex attracted OCs appear to be in relationships with canon characters.
15) Your seventh OC switched bodies with you for a day! How will they react at the end of the day?
Aurelio would be absolutely delighted. He just takes so much joy in life that he'd probably spend the day running around Chicago marveling at how wonderfully magic the distant future appears.
16) Your last OC just became a fifteen year old. What do they do?
Well, Ferrucio Stornello was last seen at age fourteen, so . . . he's probably gotten over Benvolio's death and has started an apprenticeship with some local craftsman. He had a rocky start, but he's doing okay now, and he's starting to think about the future. Probably not marriage yet, but definitely learning all he can and possibly starting his own shop some time down the line.
17) Now randomly select a person on your OC list. Who was it?
Margherita Capulet, the first wife of Signior Leonardo Capulet.
18) That OC you just chose? Yeah they think they are superman (even if they are a girl) and are on the roof about to jump off.
Signior Capulet is racing up to pull her back while screaming to his neighbors to try to catch her if he can't. Some Capulet supporter is already looking for a Montague to blame.
19) Are any of your OCs bored of this meme?
Francesco demands to be nursed. Olivia is pouting because she hasn't been mentioned yet.
20) Would your second OC prefer the beach or the mountains?
Mountains. Elvira Algardi would probably be horrified at the messiness of a beach.
21) Would your tenth OC battle a shark?
Niccola? Not voluntarily, though if her son Paris was threatened, she would.
22) Which OCs hate each other?
Aurelio and Giambattista hate Giacomo's guts. So does Donatella, for that matter, though her feelings toward him tend to run more towards being terrified of him.
23) Which OC did you create first? And last?
I created Giacomo first and Isotta last.
25) And if those two were fighting, who would win?
Physically? Giacomo would probably kill Isotta. Feuding? Isotta would have Prince Escalus on her side.
26) Are your OCs fat or skinny?
They're mostly pretty average for their era. Ferrucio was a bag of bones at age twelve, but he was well fed at the orphanage and filled out. Amerigo Neri is probably pretty well-fed, in that hail-fellow-well-met kind of way. Augusto Orsini probably developed a bit of a gut in his late middle age, and Bianca probably became pleasantly plump as well.
27) What are your first 2 OC's favorite foods?
Alessandra and Elvira Algardi are two sisters with a taste for marzipan. They don't have it very often, but they do love it when it's available.