(no subject)

May 07, 2015 22:30

I am happy to announce that at this precise moment in time, I have nothing to complain about. Z e r o. 2015 is transforming me into a totally different person. I feel like I’ve just been given a new set of eyes or something. Life is pretty great; I actually kind of like myself these days which is nice. Really, really nice.

I’ve been keeping busy doing things of the more adventurous variety which is new for me. March and April were particularly magnificent in this respect. In the span of a little over a month, I climbed to the summit of Mount Pulag (only the second highest mountain in the Philippines, thank you very much) and went trekking and spelunking (I didn’t even know such a word existed until now) twice. I know-who am I? Gotta say, this newfound love (strong word) for exploration has been pretty neat. I have a couple more trips lined up this month. Fingers crossed they push through. I'm on a great trajectory here.

Work’s been good-great, even. It’s still tough to get myself out of bed some days, and I don’t always like my boss or the job but that’s perfectly normal I think. I come home feeling good about myself and that’s a sign if there ever was one that I’m headed in the right direction. You have no idea how relieved I am to be able to say that.

I don't know why I had the sudden urge to resurrect this blog but it feels just like coming home.