Jun 08, 2007 12:06
soooooo the new season of my favorite show is oooooooon.
here are the thoughts so far...briefly...
favorites include...
1. neil
2. kameron
3. ricky
4. lauren
5. sabra
loooooove them all. not in any particular order just really love them.
I felt really bad for the poor sap who had to be in the last round with lacey because she may as well have had her bags packed before she went onstage. i did like her a lot though. she was really cute and very talented...unfortunately that is not enough to compete with laceys unmatchable family tree.
the best moment of the night...apart from when i saw those two girls from chicago get cut because i was not a fan of either of them...was when ricky goes...i wish cat were here. i about cried laughing. like cat is his best friend or something. oh my gosh sooo funny. and that smile and those arms and that awful hair. hahaha. i love everything about that kid.
i think the producers did an odd job with the screen time selection this season...i mean i understand all the method behind their madness but i dont know that i necessarily agree with it. like they didnt want to overwhelm us early on with people we would be seeing a great deal of very soon...but how do they expect us to develop any fandom if we dont know who these people are.
lastly...i would like to say how disappointed i am that they chose hok over twitch....clearly favoritism but i want to ask the judges in three weeks how they feel when they realize that just as was the case in season one the sick-step guys can only dance their style!!!!!!
all in all i think it will be a very interesting season. filled with gratuitous sex appeal, topless dancing, incredibly toned stomachs, questionable outfits, and of course lots of arials.
see you next week.