Mar 28, 2005 12:45
looloobell121: how was your easter
TimboPeteJones: it was splendid
TimboPeteJones: i slept until 5pm
TimboPeteJones: cause the night before i got tooo drunk
looloobell121: lol
TimboPeteJones: and then watched the game
TimboPeteJones: and then came back to school
looloobell121: thats what easter is all about... i'm pretty sure jesus would want it that way
That made me laugh. I hope everyone had a good holiday. Including Tome, Jaime, and Carrie. We began the weekend with rehearsal ending at 830pm on friday probably the most exciting thing of my life cause I got to watch the basketball game. After which we went to capstone for a beer pong tournament slash drunken mess. what isnt a drunken mess though? Oh well. woke up saturday for an awesome rehearsal 12-4 but got out around 3 and then I headed home to celebrate pare style. good times.
Then eric and sean arrived proudly displaying seans battle scars. After a little discussion and debate we decided a hospital visit was needed so that sean could sew up his head wound. after this was done we retired home to watch the end of the illinois game and then people started arriving for our canada trip or what i like to call puke fest 2003.
Meghan, Laura, Eric, and Myself rounded up the troops and headed out for a night on the town. after bentleys, woodys, O and then woodys again we all found ourselves 104 too many jager shots too deep. I danced the night away and then drank the entire city dry. Then we all threw up. one after another. Sean took a shower at like 4 am to my parents dismay. Ryan passed out with his jacket on in three different places. I passed out in the family room i think. Sean vomited all over my brothers room. It was pretty messy. Then I slept until 5pm when i woke up to watch the most intense game of basketball.
nice work spartans. I will say that if you had matt trannon playing basketball instead of dancing like a celebratory fool before the buzzer then you could have ended the game in regulation minus sparks ill-fated three pointer at the clock. But still we won none the less so I guess I cant be too mad.
now I am back at school and back to the busy boy i am. maybe Ill run into you somewhere. hopefully. but for now I must get back to work. see you all later. #6