BPA in baby botthes - your take?

Apr 19, 2008 23:25

For those who haven't been up to date with the news, Canada declared a ban on all plastic bottles that contain BPA (read this for details).

I want to know what's your take on this situation? My mom was the one who alerted me first and it blew my mind away when she played all the news recordings to me. Obviously I wasn't paying enough attention about this issue if it's been ongoing debate for the last several months.

To me, this is no big deal and I say kudos to Canada being the first country to put a ban. I don't see a problem with glass bottles since baby glass bottles has been around before plastic, and it seems my babies drink my expressed breastmilk with more enjoyment since the switch (not a drop spared). My mom brought an important point that her siblings, my brother, and I were raised drinking glass bottles and we all ended up just fine.

My husband on the other hand... sigh, I don't know if he's beyond ignorant or what IMO. He's complaining that the country is making such a big deal over plastic. Then again, almost EVERYTHING he uses is made out of plastic and he's far off from being the eco-friendly type of person (we're talking about someone who doesn't give a crap about recycling, thinks greehouse effect/global warming/el nino is bogus, hybrid cars a marketing scam) and he's not a Canadian himself. I told him that it's not just plastic bottles in general, it's a chemical compound that is found in some plastic containers. Then he goes off talking about NJ banning AstroTurf because it contains traces of lead and how that's blown out of proportion. *eyeroll* Stick to the debate, don't change the subject!

About the plastic bottles, I'll probably end up either recycling them or making them into little containers for seed-grown flowering plants. I haven't really decided yet. I got 8 large glass bottles (Evenflo) and I'll probably buy 16 more as soon as Toys R US restocks (they're the only place in town that has glass bottles in stock at a reasonable price).

So did I make a rightful decision or did I fell for a political/marketing sham like my hubby eludes?
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