Dec 01, 2006 10:49
Hello again, my lovely girls and boys.
I have been really busy those past weeks. Only 4 days left to my trip to Rome and Florence, and I want to leave all my business in order. I will be traveling only 10 days in Italy, but hey, this is Spain, and December is practically a dead month, with all the holidays and lunches and dinners... So I better finish everything or it would be left until january.
I'm suffering the most infuriating cold. Being ill brings the worst from me, because I feel personally betrayed by this treason. Right now I need my body to be at 150%, and the headache, the impossibility of breathing normally and all the mucus are really, really making me slow the rhythm.
The new furniture for my eating room are supposed to arrive from Italy in two weeks, so there are a lot of chances that I would be able to host a dinner in optimal conditions in christmas eve. We'll see.
I would try to make another post before the trip. I'm a little scared, we are 9 friends traveling together, and so far, the preparative has been really easy and funny. But I'm not sure about the logistic of traveling with such a big group. We'll see.
Kisses, my loves!