Don't cry!!!seasme779October 26 2006, 22:47:43 UTC
I was 3 years into a BS degree when I decided to switch my major to nursing. My GPA was around a 2.2 at that time, and I moved home ultimately transferring colleges. After a few semesters my GPA was 3.3 and I got into one of the best nursing programs in the state. I finished my junior year, but my GPA had slipped to a 3.01. At the time I didn't have my daughter, I was only working 24 hours a week. But the demanding schedule between lectures/labs/clinicals and then studying AND working was too much for me. That was only taking 12 and 14 credits. My senior year I'd have to take 17/18. My advisor told me to cut my hours at work, but I needed the benefits and the money to pay a mortgage/car payments/insurance and every other bill an adult has to worry about. I ended up getting a BS from that school, but not in nursing. That was my last semester, and the Dean saw that I had enough credits to graduate and gave me the degree. That's besides the point, where I'm going is that now I'm in a ADN program, I had all of the prereqs out of the way so all I had to worry about were the nursing courses (less classes each semester). I had more time to study, more time to work, and then after the baby was born, more time to spend with her. I would suggest seriously looking into that ADN program. You're going to get the same amount of money whether you have an associates or a bachelors, and like you said, when you do an RN -> BSN you'll have that many more classes out of the way. Don't be upset, everything happens for a reason. Don't think of it as wasting 2 years, it will only benefit you in the future. Think of what will be best for you, your family, and your sanity. I hope this made you feel a tiny bit better, but with either way you go, you will still be an RN. GOOD LUCK!!
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