Booking Through Thursday: Multiples

Aug 09, 2007 17:58

Do you have multiple copies of any of your books?
I have 3 copies of Master and Commander - 2 original paperbacks and one in the omnibus set.  With elwe 's additional 1 or 2 (or so)... That said, the one paperback set (including xallanthia's gifts of the next two books) is my loner set, the box set   I also have bought 3 copies of Sabriel... and only have one now, also in a box-set.  That said, because my copy of Lireal didn't go missing, I do have a second copy of that at the moment. 
I've also two copies of Gaudy Night for the same reason - a paperback, and later a box set.  There's also two complete sets of The Lord of the Rings but one's with Sister (my good one of slipcovered 50th anniversary paperbacks) adverse to the one I have, with pull out maps.

Between elwe and I though, we do have a bit of a major problem overall.  However, that still doesn't help with the fact that I also have more versions of the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes than I can count....

If so, why? Absent-mindedness? You love them that much? First Editions for the shelf, but paperbacks to read?
I really do like M&C that much. But the major point is that I want copies available for loaning.  In particular, you really need to read HMS Surprise to avoid stopping after Post Captain.

I also like full editions and box sets and 'upgrade' to a box set once I decide I like the series enough.  I hate having mismatched books - though I know it's silly. Hence why I don't have any of the Russell Crowe branded M&Cs myself.

If not, why not? Not enough space? Not enough money? Too sensible to do something so foolish?


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