Booking Through Thursday Today's questions are from
Marie. Thank you!
- Do you finish every book you start, no matter how bad it gets? Why?
Usually yes. I think there are under 10 books I haven't finished once I began reading them. It seems silly to me, some how, not being able to finish a book. Later on I may decide that I hate it, but for the sake of completeness, I should at least finish it. - Do you ever sneak-read the ending before you finish the book? If so, what about the book tends to cause you to do so?
Ever see When Harry Met Sally? That's what I think when I see this. I do occassionally flip to the very last page of a book, but usually when I'm in the middle, to reassure myself that 'things will turn out okay'. And, of course, often enough that last page is rarely revealing. I haven't done this in a long while, however.