If you handed me brass...to me it would be gold.

May 08, 2005 19:14

Second thoughts always send a trail of confusion through my mind.
I despise second thoughts.
They always make me wonder if what I'm doing is right or wrong.
The trick though...is that you don't know if its right or wrong until its over.
Which is unfortunate because then you really can't change anything.
I am striking out against second thoughts.
What I do first.
Is what I have done.
There is no going back
There are no...
Don't have them my darlings.
Second thoughts.
Banish them my dears.
Live to love.
Live to dream.
Live to conquer fears.

Another thing bugging me lately is whether or not I am wasting my time.
I thought I didn't waste the last 4 months of my life on something.
Then I discovered that all of it was lies and bullshit.
Truth is...I knew it was all along I just tricked myself into thinking it was the best.
Now though I am happy as can be.
But am I wasting my time again?
That is the question.
So I came to the decision that I wont be wasting my time if I dont limit myself to certain sources of fun.
Ya know.
So people come on...lets go do some crazy shit that we will never forget.
You know the digits.
Dial away.

Summer needs to kick into gear here.
It needs to come at mach speeds.
It's so much nicer in Ohio right now.
I went to ohio with my parents for the weekend.
I usually dread going there.
But it always turns out okay because I just sit outside in the country.
Listening to music.
Taking pictures.
Ohio is love.
Ohio is sometimes creepy.
But in the end...overall...ohio is love.
I mean...
I found my car in Ohio.
Too bad its not my car.
Its for sale though.
A '67 cougar.
Original teal paint job...one fixeable scratch.
Teal leather interior.
Needs new front bucket seats...$115 rougly.
Not bad.
Needs new door handle seals.
Also not bad.
I want it.

Welp I'm going to design my imaginary house for an English assignment.
Its going to be fucking UH-MAZING.
Who wants to live with me?

I <3 heart heart heart heart heart heartttty breakfasts.
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