PM: Apply.

Jun 15, 2011 20:21

[ Player Name ] : Ashley.
[ Personal LJ ] : never_die.
[ Age ] : Twenty-four.
[ Timezone ] : Arizona (GMT -7).
[ Other Characters ] : N/A.

[ Character's Name ] : Peregrine Mendicant. (Formerly known as Parcel Mistress, and is currently being dubbed the Prospitian Monarch? Goodness.)
[ Character's Age ] : ???
[ Series ] : MS Paint Adventures: Homestuck.
[ Canon Point ] : Serenity: Blink for help furiously!

[ History ] :
You are now... The Peregrine Mendicant.

[ Personality ] :

Liberty. Reason. Justice. Civility. Edification. Perfection.


The men and women of the postal service are most certainly unstoppable forces. Whether they are faced with rain, snow, shine, a vast desert wasteland, enemy territory, or big scary black dogs with a tendency to stab all that perturb them, these fine people are fully intent on getting their job done, no matter what!

Such is the case with the Parcel Mistress. Or Peregrine Mendicant, as she is called. Prospitian Monarch is very much a responsibility she doesn't think she's ready for! But really, that is all an array of history that we can get into later.

PM, as we will call her, is a woman of great responsibility and conviction, I can not stress this enough, as it is essentially 99.9% of her character. After all, would less of a character find hesitation in traversing oneself through enemy lines to retrieve an unknown package that even she does not know the contents of simply because it is her responsibility and her responsibility alone? I think not!

In fact, in order to retrieve a package from enemy lines, she makes a deal with an enemy agent in order to get it back from the jerk. This results in her asking her queen for her ring and crown and running out in the middle of a battlefield only to get stalked and punched in the face and ask her king for his crown as well. If that is the epitome of dedication to a single task, I am not sure what is.

And after all that nonsense? She gets exiled to earth. And, yes! She keeps on trucking... just in case her dedication to her job remained unclear.

As a mendicant, she seems to hardened in the midst of her traversing the wasteland with her many mailboxes, her regisword, and crumpled up, weather-beaten letters from yesteryear. Coming in contact with others of the carapace exterior is a bit awkward for her, but she takes her social interactions with stride and makes the best of any situation she is dealt with-- even if it does give her hell. It is safe to say that even though she does have a more genial and humble inclination with her personality and aims, this is not a woman to take lightly. When she is pushed, she pushes back, in one way or the other.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
→ Strengths:
• This lady is probably the most dedicated individual you will ever meet, fully intent on getting the job done if it kills her.
• Give her something to work on, and she will not rest until it is followed through with and all the ends are tied, wrapped up and set with a little bow of accomplishment.
• She has a great sense of responsibility and justice, complete loyalty and reliability. This is a person you can most certainly count on.
• Swordswoman skills, although not formally trained, she has them. And will behead you if you get in her way.
• She can kick some ass.

→ Weaknesses:
• I find that she can be a little oblivious, if not slow on the uptake in some instances.
• Her greatest strength could become her greatest weakness in come cases, as she becomes very focused on going through with one thing. This may detract focus on her surroundings or others.
• She seems to not wish for responsibilities other than that which is mail-related. After being dubbed a monarch, she was very much hesitant to take up the role. Could this be a confidence issue, perhaps?
• The aforementioned weakness aside, I do interpret her as not quite confident in affairs that are not related to getting the job done.
• In spite of her courage, I find her non-confrontational-- if she can help it.

[ Other Important Facts ] :

• She is a carapaced creature known as a Prospitian. That might be weird for some people.
• She has a sword and she knows how to use it. That might be dangerous for some people if they're allergic to stabs.

[ Sample ] :
PM texting! (This is me, different journal.)
Here is a Dear Mun post!

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] :
Would it be possible for her to start a postal service in Vatheon? Because she would love that and not go stir-crazy or anything. Plus, residents will get someone delivering things to other residents! Wouldn't that be nice?
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