(no subject)

Jan 14, 2008 21:50

parcae: An explorer in the dense jungles of equatorial Africa leaves his hut. He takes 43 steps at an angle 45° north of east, then 79 steps at an angle 60° north of west, then 50 steps due south. Assume his steps all have equal length. Save him from becoming hopelessly lost in the jungle by giving him the displacement, calculated using the method of components, that will return him to his hut.
fallingfortruth: *covers eyes*
parcae: wow, i have absolutely no idea how to do that.
parcae: but i enjoy the fact that they said to assume his steps all have equal length.
fallingfortruth: No, he is Skipping!
fallingfortruth: Because it is Gerard.
parcae: *giggles*
parcae: is it now.
parcae: what is gerard doing in the dense jungles of equatorial africa, i wonder?
fallingfortruth: Writing the new album.
fallingfortruth: He needed inspiration!
fallingfortruth: Ray sent him out to find Frank.
fallingfortruth: Only it turns out Frank had fallen asleep in the attic.
fallingfortruth: And now Gerard is lost.

This is why fallingfortruth is my hero. Because he is AWESOME.

(Wow, I really hate physics. ALREADY. HOW AMAZING IS THAT.)

In other, less awful news, the interview with Jon and Spencer and accompanying article sort of made my day. How are they real, seriously.

i don't know what this is, complete lack of project, kitty, golden gods with halitosis, facepalm to the power of infinity, quotent quotables, random, argh, college! :o!!!

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