Jan 22, 2007 10:46
Who needs to know pi to a billion places, honestly? It seems like it'd be a great waste of time, even with, as my calculus book says, electronic computers (because I don't know, but I think the other kind would sort of fail and go "no, see, you'd need about a mole of pounds of cheese for us to compute it, so you might as well just give up now" which doesn't help anyone).
My ink is here! A day early, even, so maybe I'll get lucky and my CDs will get here sometime today too. That would rock.
Edit, 11:26 AM: Dear DAKA, please don't ever attempt to do buffalo chicken wings. Ever again. I know I'm personally not going to make that mistake again, but other people should not have that inflicted on them.
*makes a face*
college! :o!!!,
calc deserves a painful death