Jan 17, 2007 19:43
I had a three-hour chem lab at 8 this morning! Yey.
We were in threes, and there were three parts for today, so I took density. This meant that I spent most of the lab period staring at my vial of amino acid-carbon tet-dichloromethane mixture going "why won't you sink you stupid amino acid" and flailing.
And then I switched the solvents around, and instead of adding the dichloromethane to the carbon tet I added carbon tet to what my lab notebook tells me was actually dichloroethane, not -methane, and I am sure I had a good reason for that only I can't quite remember it now. (Oh, wait, yeah I do. It was sort of vaguely suspended in the dichloromethane. Which, okay, considering the fact that dichloromethane's density is somewhere between 0.01g/mL and 0.02g/mL off of our amino acid's, kind of makes sense, now I think about it.) And then I had to add much less of the other solvent to get the amino acid to float, and it was amazing. (Compare: 0.25mL of carbon tet to get it to float vs. 2.0mL of dichloromethane and it still wasn't sinking.)
I have no idea how I did on my calc retake. I think I did fairly well? I might have gotten the grade I needed to get it changed, but then again I might well not have.
(The window in the room we took it in was open, and I don't know why but I didn't get up to close it. It has been ridiculously cold out all day, and my retake started at 5; this was a bad idea. My hands were freezing.)
I have chem homework I ought to do, since we're moving off of osmotic pressure tomorrow, and reading for American Lit. I think I might go to bed at ten-something tonight.
OH OH OH I almost forgot! I ordered Like Vines and DreamCypher off of Amazon about an hour ago. Also my ink, but I ended up getting it somewhere less expensive. I am so excited, dude. One, new music from new band, yay!; two, DreamCypher is finally out.
day in the life,
college! :o!!!,
calc deserves a painful death,
at least 'e make it sound like moosic,
i think we've made a major breakthrough,
golden gods with halitosis