After my RowanSOM Interview and after getting my waitlist decision from Alabama I became pretty depressed. Not like stay in bed all day or anything but I've been irritable and I cry a lot. It's been so hard bc becoming a Doctor has been my goal for so long and I have given 100% effort in every single class, exam, essay etc. Yet, I get nowhere. I don't understand why I can't get in yet so many others with my exact scores get in. I also get complimented like crazy during interviews but still nothing happens. It's such an emotional roller coaster and I'm barely hanging on. I don't think people realize that its been TWO WHOLE YEARS. Not a few month of unemployment or school. TWO YEARS. It's so frustrating.
Anyway, I've been keeping in touch with a girl named Alyssa who I knew from Rowan Undergrad and who was also at my RowanSOM interview. We've learned a bit so I'm going to write it all here. Additionally, I got some news today that may be good but it's also confusing so I'm going to write everything I know about that. Feel free to ignore this entry unless you're interested in how the application process works. I'll write another update sometimes soon about other life things.
I messaged Alyssa after I got wait listed at Alabama. I asked her if she has any idea why I might be getting wait listed at every school. Alyssa was accepted to many medical schools so I figured she was a good source. Turns out she has a similar GPA to me and a LOWER MCAT score. We have similar extracirriculars. She thinks I'm probably being discriminated against bc of my disability. My dad thinks this as well. My dad also made a great point - If any of these schools have never accepted a Handicap person then its proof that they are INDEED discriminating. My dad asked if he could call around but I told him to hold off until I officially get denied from RowanSOM.
Anyway a few days later Alyssa messaged me that she is furious bc Nicole, one of the other girls that interviewed on the same day as us, was accepted. This is bull shit bc RowanSOM told ALL 4 of us that we were automatically waitlisted. So obviously we were mad. It was a friday night so we couldn't call RowanSOM until monday. Monday morning I called to ask what that was all about and they told me that a decision was still not made for me. Alyssa also called and she was told the exact same thing. We were both pretty confused as to why one of the four of us would be evaluated and accepted before the rest of us? You would think they would decide the fate of everyone on the same day (there were only 4 of us).
Flash forward to this morning. Alyssa texted me that she called and they told her she was waitlisted. She was pretty upset about it. I decided to call as well expecting to get the same news. However, when I called the Assistant Dean of Admissions (Paula - also the woman I met with before I got a interview) answered. She told me she was about to call me and a few others soon to tell us that we are on a hold list. This is what she said about it.
1. I would've been accepted had the class not been filled.
2. The Hold List moves before the waitlist
3. (When I asked if I should be excited) She said i should be excited that I had a very good review
4. There are no guarantees and I cannot ask about my rank on this list BUT i can call to see if there
has been movement.
5. They do not send a letter about this like they do for the waitlist (its a personal call)
I think the fact that they don't bother with a letter could mean that they anticipate you being accepted. Like they want to just send you an acceptance letter and not bother with a Hold letter. Waitlisted ppl get an official letter so this is definitely different. She was very very careful not to give any kind of guarantee bc then I could hold her to it. But she did tell me to be excited.
At the same time, RowanSOM has done many contradicting things. Like telling us we were all waitlisted but then accepting one of us. Also Paula told Alyssa that a decision was made for all four of us on March 25. BUT Paula told me that a decision was made about me only yesterday. That's a little lie, but still - it makes me question anything they say.
I REALLY REALLY love RowanSOM. I don't mean to speak ill of the school itself. I just hate how much I've been jerked around :( I really hope this Hold list is legit.