more catch up posts

Jul 05, 2005 14:20

i'm bad about keeping things synced up. below are the last couple posts from my other journal catching this one up. i'll try to do better from now on. there's stuff there regarding the script i run my other journal on, they won't really make sense in the context of this lj. the link to that is in my userinfo page.

Sunday, July 3rd, 2005 - 16:44:17 MST - i've been reading
i got myself a programming book the other day. it's called Code Complete 2nd Edition. highly recommended by many professional programmers and after reading nearly 5 chapters i can see why. it's full of really useful information on program design and construction. it kind of specifically addresses (kind of specifically? is that an oxymoron??) some areas where i always seem to have difficulty. the actual programming part is easy enough for me, it's HOW to program that i can't quite wrap my head around. this book should help a lot with that. i need to read 3 and a half more chapters to finish the section i'm on right now, but i'm anxious to start using this stuff. i may just give in and start programming before getting that far because i'm impatient. hehe.

it should help IMMENSELY with finishing up my image gallery script. i've already been able to figure several things out that i wouldn't have otherwise, and i can tell already that it's going to make things a lot easier for me even without having used the things i've learned. it's kind of hard to describe, but it basically helps me to see how things fit together and how things can but should NOT fit together. lots and lots of useful little tips that real programmers learn through years of experience and trial and error.

it's over 850 pages long, i'm almost 1/8 finished with it so far. i can't wait to get to the rest of it, but it's hard to keep all this stuff in mind without using it and remembering it and seeing how it all really fits in with a project. oh well, i'll keep reading and maybe start some basic design soon since i've already covered that section of the book. wish me luck!

Thursday, June 30th, 2005 - 09:22:56 MST - update
ok, so my phone can't send newlines properly, at least not in a way that i can identify. that would be pretty impossible because i just can't view the source or anything. not sure what to do about that. :\

oh well, at least now i can post longer updates. for now you'll have to bear with the paragraphs.

my roommate (nate) that was in the hospital is out and starting to feel somewhat better. not sure what exactly the problem was, or if i did i wouldn't share because it's a private thing. what it boils down to is he had very low hemoglobin (the stuff that carries oxygen in your blood). his was 7.something and it's supposed to be above 14 normally. at 11 they send you to the hospital, so that should give some idea how serious it was. he was just feeling really tired i guess. weird thing was that all the other things were normal except his pulse. normal blood pressure, normal pulse-ox, normal respiration etc. i guess the pulse was enough to keep the oxygen high enough to keep everything in order. he says he feels a lot better than he has in a very long time though so maybe he's had this problem for a while. of course he's not counting pain from surgery and whatnot when he says that, he's still in quite a lot of pain and has to take percoset to deal with that.

i've wanted to do some kind of scripting now for a while, and i've finally done that. you can see it here in the post below from my phone. it's longer than the 256 characters that it normally limits me to in an update. it's dirty programming, just a hack on top of what i already had. the whole thing needs to be rewritten but that's a project for later. i also added handling for some of the extra little attributes that i added a few years back and never put in.

my update page didn't include them either so you haven't been missing out on anything. it'll just be some extra items i can include from now on. kind of similar to what my friend mies used to do on hers but different stuff, it's clearly inspired by her.

i was going to work on my image gallery script instead, but once i started to look at it i realized just how bloody complicated it is, and i couldn't make head nor tail of it so i just put it away for now. maybe after i've slept it'll be easier, we'll see.

i did add another thing so that i can show people the source code to my php scripts, but i'm not going to show that here until i've figured out how i can keep my passwords and things out of it. ragbert will really appreciate it though! you don't have to create the special files to make the source viewable, it just creates out of the actual script by using a special url. ragbert, you may be able to use this trick on tony's servers too. remind me to tell you how to do it next time we talk if i don't remember.

my other friend morejade is going on a 2 week cruise today, she'll be leaving in about 40 minutes. i'm going to miss her a lot but i'm really excited for her too. this will be such a cool and fun experience for her, i know she'll have a blast. i can't wait till she gets back and settles in a bit so she can tell me all about it. :) love ya jadie! have a great trip!!! be safe and see you when you get back!!

ok, that'll be all for now. maybe post more later when i can think again. ciao all and have a great day!

Thursday, June 30th, 2005 - 09:05:43 MST - Test from my phone
This is to test the new updates to my journal script to see if i can post long updates from my phone now or not. This'll test for apostrophe (a word which my phone doesn't know!) and this will test "quotes". Now, how long can i go? More than the 256 characters i could post before? Some new lines there. I've already exceeded the character limit from before. Now let's see if it will actually work or not or if i have to do something more complicated. Here goes! Oops, forgot to uncheck the box that says no more

Sunday, June 26th, 2005 - 13:34:02 MST - Ok i guess i should post again
Things are going ok. Been getting a few more hours this week. Fixed a computer for a guy at work, tricky virus that none of the 3 anti-virus programs i tried could see. Fun! Roommate was in the hospital but is out now and starting to feel better. More soon
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