Carmelia's Adventures - The Presentation Part 2

Nov 09, 2007 15:48

"You have to know the game first," Carmelia winks to Gabriela, "Tell me about Zara? She's beautiful."

"Oh, do you think so?" Gabriela asks, giving Zara an appraising glance and then back to Carmelia. It is clear that she agrees. "She's fairly enigmatic- and refers to herself as the Bride of Dracula. Well, I presume so, anyway- that is what most of her followers call her, at least. If you want to meet her, then.. I doubt I can help, although I may be able to introduce you to someone who can, later?"

"Sure, if you don't think she'll eat me," Carmelia's joking, but in her mind, she thinks, Score. Maceta wanted me to get around and mingle. Meeting Zara might impress... if it doesn't get me killed.

"Perhaps if you ask nicely?" Gabriela suggests with a playful wink and then adds, with a notable hint more seriousness, "I can't make any promises- she doesn't take appointments lightly."

"I'd like to meet her, but if it'd cause you trouble, I'll live." So prove to me that a little trouble doesn't faze you, Gabriela, I dare you, thinks Carmelia even as she smiles to reinforce her politeness and willingness to let the idea go.

"Well, let me see what I can do," she answers softly and leans over the boat's railing a little as it pulls up to a carved stone wharf, and looks back to Carmelia, "So, what is it like being the childe of the great missionary himself?"

I wouldn't know, Carmelia thinks and shrugs, "Two days, remember? But no one's preached to me about the Lancea Sanctum yet."

"Maybe you'll get an earful tonight, hmm?" Gabriela asks, grinning wickedly. "Listen- if anyone harasses you too much tonight, come find myself or Ambrosio- we'll scare them right off." Speaking of scary, when Carmelia glances down to the wharf she sees what could only be described as a monster. It is basically human in shape, but that is about the only similarity- it's eyes are sunken within it's dull grey skin that droops and hangs in heavy folds like a jowly dog. His body is hunched over and his hands seem twisted and almost claw like. It wears a misshapen suit that looks utterly inappropriate on it.

"Thanks Gabriela, I - oh," Carmelia stares at the monster and actually physically takes a step back from the railing, "What is that?" She forces down her disquiet, "No, don't tell me just yet. Instead, could you tell me a bit about the whose who of the people attending tonight? I think I'd be wise to inquire before I offend someone." Or something, Carmelia thinks, glancing back at the fearful sight.

Gabriela gives her a quick scrutiny and says, "Oh boy- I take it you haven't met a Nosferatu before? You're in for a pleasant surprise tonight." She chuckles to herself and then moves to address the latter question, "Well." She begins in a thoughtful tone, "I'm not entirely sure of who may or not be there tonight. But people to look out for.. besides the Prince, hmm.. Maiara-Jaci, Varregosa, Bishop Lampreia and Deolinda- they're the true power players. I suppose you could count Mr. Hurtado as well, although to be honest, he's more interested in keeping his head above water. There are a few others that you could consider powerful, but they tend to steer clear of politics."

"Varregosa? Graca Varregosa?" Carmelia inquires, dismissing the other names even though she tries to remember them.

Gabriela seems momentarily on the verge of laughter before she gives Carmelia a sympathetic look as she is reminded of how new Carmelia is to all this. "No, no.. Graca is a little girl dipping her toes in the water. I was referring to her forefather, Galeno Varreogsa- when someone mentions only the family name, they almost always mean him." One of the crew throws a rope to another man waiting on the dock, who catches it and deftly ties it off. Gabriela looks at Carmelia and says, "I guess this is our port of call."

"Yeah," Carmelia nods, "So.. which do you think is better? Politics or ... keeping your head down?" Carmelia follows closely behind Gabriela as they exit the ship.

"Well." Graca says, wiggling her way down the gangplank to the dock. "If you keep your head down, you're not going to risk it getting cut off, right? But people are going to keep using it as a stepping stone. Me? Well, I may tell you about myself some other time." She flashes her teeth at Carmelia- it seems more like she's saying some other place. From the dock it gives way to a small square where a number of people mill about, while a lit pathway seems to lead inside. The faint strains of music can be heard from there.

Carmelia flashes a smile back, adding a very brief nod to imply she caught the rest of the meaning. When she steps on shore, she cannot help but feel a hint of relief. The black waters may not kill her now, but somehow their cold depths frightened her, as if they related to her new existence in some unknown fashion. Looking out at the palace, she lets Gabriela ahead of her and falls behind slightly, taking a deep breath and working up the gumption to approach the Nosferatu.

Gabriela meanders her way into the crowd, and quite showily waves her hand to get the attention of someone in the crowd and heads off that way. The monster in question looks a little like a lost puppy as he stares at the boat. Of course, he's still hideously ugly. Carmelia notices now that he has a rose tucked into his breast pocket. Most of the people seem to be moving closer towards the palace, although Maceta seems to pause nearby as he disembarks, perhaps to ensure that she is well and to see if she needs anything of him, however he doesn't approach.

Carmelia ignores Maceta and turns to approach the Nosferatu. She takes a deep breath and says to him, "Uh... hi." Instead of offering to shake his hand, she lifts her own fingers and waggles them.

Her deep breath is rewarded by a strong whiff of something foul that seems to emenate from the monster. He turns to look at her and lost puppy turns into growling mutt, "What do you want? Do I look like I was waiting for some little girl to come stand next to me so she can feel better about herself?" He seems to have a serious chip on his shoulder over something.

Carmelia expells her breath and reminds herself that she doesn't have to breathe, "No, I was rather thinking to introduce myself. Didn't mean to offend." She folds her arms and twists a toe in the dirt, "Care to walk with me?"

He looks at her suspiciously for a long moment before he nods, "Alright." He gives a final glance towards the boat before stepping away from it with a slow, lumbering gait. "You're new to Rio." He seems to chew on something for a moment before he says grudgingly, "I was curt before- sorry. I've just had so many fucking people stare at me or whisper loudly behind their hands- and I saw your reaction too."

"I've never, uh, seen anyone like you. Sorry about the staring. I just- well, like you said, I'm kinda new," Carmelia falls in step with his gait, "But I really didn't come over to be rude or anything." Giving a soft laugh, she says, "My brother always said I was fascinated with things that'd get me in trouble. Is talking to you some sort of taboo or something? I really didn't mean any harm."

"A beast I am, lest a motherfucking beast I become-" he says, raising his voice and getting a few stares for his trouble before he says more quietly, "Or however it goes. You're not going to get in trouble for talking to me, girl, but.. yeah, I'm a walking taboo if you ask the opinion of four fifths of those god-damned hypocrites. He thrusts his twisted hand across at her, turning and stopping, "Eloi's my name."

Carmelia forces her face to stoicism and reaches out to accept his hand to shake, "I'm Carmelia. Carmelia Lorena. Nice to meet you, Eloi." She shake his hand, finding it drier than she thought, though scalely and loose, "So..." she lets it trail off for a moment, "Can I ask you some seriously stupid questions?"

"Mmph." He grunts as he hears her name, "Not a common name that one." He lifts his hand once it is reclaimed, scratching beneath his chin- causing some skin to flake off. He gives her what seems to amount to be a dubious expression when she makes her request and says, "Go on..." as if he's not entirely sure of what sort of stupid questions she may have.

"Why don't you look human? Or why don't I look like you?" Carmelia clears her throat, "I know probably everyone knows, but I've only of us for two days now." She flashes two fingers at Eloi, "I'm hoping time clears up ignorance."

"What?" He asks her, sounding quite serious, "You think I wasn't born this way?" He lets that sit for a moment.

Carmelia reaches up to touch his shoulder, looking him up and down. She pauses, then shakes her head, "I'm not that guillable. But you know, it's not that bad... I've seen worse in rock videos."

"Just playing with you, kid." He responds and seems to grin at her, "Anyway, they say we just show our beasts on the outside, although they say a million fucking other things too. All I know is that it is a part of the blood- my sire was like this, and shit, so is my childe. Some musty old fucker two thousand years ago must have pissed God off something fierce- and this is the result." He fixes her with an eye, "Some of those rock videos... they really are us. Well, one anyway."

"Oh? Play an instrument?" Carmelia inquires, "Anyway, God forbid I'm anything like my sire." She points at Maceta's back. "I'll bet he can hear me too."

"What?" He asks, peering at her, "Old Mud-Knees is your sire? Well, fuck my aunty- I didn't think he had it in him, and I didn't think you'd be his sort. But go figure, I've had bigger surprises than that before. So this is your coming out party, or what?"

Snickering, Carmelia replies, "That's right, they're throwing this whole shindig in my honor, don'tcha know?" She shakes her head, "I guess they expect me to say a few words, maybe swear not to pee in anyone's territory. Not that I would... I've half a mind to hide under a rock for the next hundred years... and I'm still coming to grips with the idea that I might actually -have- that many to hide."

"You're not the only one up on the winner's podium tonight- my own Leonor is too. Not that you /could/ don't you mean? Not much use in claiming you wouldn't if your waterworks don't operate any more." He masks a rasping sound of chuckling, "You just have to find the right rock- and if you're careful stepping while you cross that bridge, you may well live a good many more. They say that some of the vampires out there are more than five hundred years old- but I call bullshit on that."

"Eh, I've been known to get into trouble now and then. What do you mean? Don't vamps live forever? Surely 500 years isn't that long given known history?" Carmelia glances around for Leonor, wondering if she was meeting her sire there or not and readjusting her opinion of Eloi, whom she had guessed was much younger.

"Sure they live forever. Theoretically. Now if you start counting all the shit that goes down every fucking week, I don't see how anyone could live so long without hiding under your rock." Carmelia sees a number of people still milling about outside the palace, although it is thinning out a little as more people move inside- but nobody that she thinks could be Leonor. Another boat seems to be approaching the quay, while from the palace a young man with a tray in hand that supports a number of glasses approaches them.

"It's sounding better and better. I wonder if limestone or granite is warmer? Anyway, where's Leonor? I'd have thought she'd be with you." Poor girl. Bad enough to be a guy and look like a... whatever Eloi is. But a girl?

"I don't know." He answers and Carmelia catches what she thinks to be a hint of concern in his voice. "Probably getting cold feet on her big night. God damned archaic traditions.. she's not ready for this. No more than you are, I'm guessing from your questions."

Carmelia nods a bit too much, "I'm surprised you let her out of your sight - I don't know if my sire would, except that he's got things to do, he says. I'd like to meet her. Maybe Leonor and I might have more in common than everyone else."

"I would have killed someone if they had told me that my first night at one of these things." Eloi comments, sounding a little sour, "But I know you don't mean any harm. Anyway, she should be here by now- she wanted to get something from the car and told me to go ahead... I hope she hasn't run back home or something."

"Eh, yeah, I guess I don't know what it's like. But, truth is, I don't know shit about much of anything else either. It's balanced all around. Introduce Leonor to me if you find her. I won't say anything rude. Well, ruder than I have so far," Carmelia looks up to the doors, "I should go inside. See you later?"

"Leonor's a sweet girl- not a sour old bastard like I am. Although I think that may change after tonight with all the shit that goes on. Hmm? Yeah, you go ahead- I'll bring Leonor along if I can coax her out from behind her rock." He turns back to watch the approachingboat- from which some raucous laughter can be heard.

Carmelia's eyesight sharpens on the boat momentarily before she passes inside, taking a long glimpse for Leonor, fairly sure there's not too many beastie vampires around to confuse her with. And there she is, a slender vampire with rotten egg-white skin split open with pussy pink sores that weep yellow fluid, cowering at the back of the boat from the others. Her loose flesh, vaguely similar to Eloi's hangs closer to the bones and seems to slip about as if it might tear and fall off at any moment. Reaching out unceremoniously, Carmelia grabs Eloi's arm and points at the boat, "Is that Leonor? Can you see her?"

He squints when pointed out, but her direction is enough for him to confirm, "Yeah, that's her. Damn it, what have the fuckers done to her." Carmelia's equally sharpened ears pick out a few choice phrases from a pair of vampires that seem to be discussing Leonor rather loudly, "It looks as if the beauty queen has gone and had her cherry popped, and- oh look, there's her daddy now." The other answers, "I wonder, does that make her the bride of Frankenstein? Or just Clearasil's latest mistake?" Leonor remains pinned at the back, staring at her feet- she's dressed in what would be a pretty dress if it weren't a few sizes too large- probably a precaution so that it doesn't irritate her skin.

Carmelia's face hardens, "You weren't kidding. Assholes." Turning, her silken garment flutters as she takes the steps down towards the dock in a loose, graceful lope. "Hey Leonor!" she lifts a hand and waves, figuring that Eloi would only catch further catcalls.

Eloi comes with her, saying, "Don't tell me what they said. Don't." Leonor looks up and about, looking almost as if she's expecting more insults from a new quarter- but she sees Eloi at her side and seems to be visibly relieved, although still extremely tense. The boat docks, while the two vampires- a man and a woman- who had been taunting her point towards Carmelia, and he leans in as if to whisper.

Carmelia, for her part, strains her ears to catch what the fellow says, given Eloi's comment and the man's posture drawing her attention to it. She does, however, respond to Eloi, "It's not worth repeating, and not very creative either."

"No, Nicole.. it seems as if Frankenstein's traded in for an upgraded model. Nice legs though- I wouldn't mind seeing where they end up."

When the boat pulls up to the docks, Carmelia beckons Leonor, "Hey girl. Eloi said you were going to be late. Good to see you." She offers Leonor her arm when getting off and firmly turns her nose up at Nicole and her leg-ogling companion.

Leonor looks this way and that, seeming quite shaken by the fifteen minute boat-ride. She replies to Carmelia, "Uhh, hi.. do I know you? Eloi is she...?" Eloi shakes his head sharply at the girl, "No. But she's good people, Leonor. Better than those cock-suckers." Leonor tentatively takes Carmelia's arm and says, still sounding cautious, "I'm Leonor.. pleased to meet you." From behind Carmelia hears another whisper from Nicole's companion, "Nice arse too. I wouldn't mind see-" She hears Nicole's voice, quiet but very direct, "She's Maceta's childe. Shut it Eric."

How the hell did that Nichole girl know about that? Carmelia wonders as she accepts Leonor's hand, "It's my first night too. Call me Carmelia, and pleased to meet you too." Carmelia's ears strain slightly longer, hoping to hear anything more of interest from the two as she follows Eloi back towards the palace.

Eric doesn't seem to care for the warning, "He's probably too busy bouncing from one elder's lap to the next to notice." Nicole replies humorlessly, "Eric, give me five minutes before coming inside. Understood?" Eric, much quieter now, answers, "Understood, sire." Leonor smiles at Carmelia- and she does seem to have very nice teeth at least- "Are you as scared as I am? Eloi's been filling my head with tales for weeks now..." Eloi grunts and mumbles something sourly.

"Not yet. I was just regaling Eloi with how ignorant I am. Only been, um- you know- for two days now." Carmelia glances over her shoulder, wondering if Nicole intends to approach her or just walk by.

Nicole offers her a smile as if she would stop to talk if Carmelia weren't occupied, seeming to pause a moment to judge what Carmelia is going to do. Leonor seems to take a breath to steady herself- she doesn't share Eloi's bad odour, thankfully- and says, "Five months here.. I guess I've been kind of counting the days. But only two.. have you had time to think about it even?"

Carmelia's gaze sweeps past Nicole, settling only the briefest of moments on the other woman's eyes- a look of I see you, but neither kinship nor anger. Instead, it's an even neutrality that clearly says that she is engaged with Eloi and Leonor and has no intention of making time or inviting her into the conversation, but nor does she show any residual anger. I cannot afford to begin making enemies now, especially not of people who are clearly informed enough to know about me. The end of her sweep has her gazing at Eloi, but she turns back to Leonor and answers her question, completely ignoring Nicole. "A bit. Nowhere near enough to digest it."

Nicole scoots around them with an apologetic, "Excuse me." Eloi gives her departing back a middle finger. Inside the palace is a small foyer where a man is stopping every person that enters and typing something into a computer from what they say. Leonor keeps speaking, "I'll be glad to try to help you out- I guess if anyone can understand what you're going through, I may be able to." She smiles a little- her teeth may be excellent, but her lips aren't, and her lower splits as she's trying to smile, spilling a trail of pus which she seems oblivous to.

Carmelia finds the sight both fascinating and revolting, but her new condition allows her to be slightly more in control of her reactions. She says to Leonor, "Sure, here, hold on a sec." Digging into Eva's purse, she retrieves her cell phone and flips it open. Copying her number down on a small booklet, she offers it to Leonor, "Call me sometime?"

"I- I'd be glad to. I don't have a phone of my own, but I can call... Thank you, Carmelia.." she says, although from her tone of voice she seems to assume that Carmelia will be abandoning her now for the evening. As they move on, Nicole is speaking to the man taking details, "Nicole Reinas of clan Ventrue." The man thanks her and says she can go. However, Nicole pauses and looks again to Carmelia with a smile, and says to her, "Exquisite purse. Designer?"

Shaking her head, Carmelia says, "No matter. Just call me if you ever feel like doing something. Hey, Eloi? Do you mind if I introduce Leonor to some friends I made on the way here?" She glances at the man taking the data as they approach, and smiles innocently at Nicole when the question is directed to her, "A gift."

"You'll have to tell me from whom some time. I could use friends like that. Later maybe?" She lifts her hand in a little wave to Carmelia and heads inside. Through the door as it is momentarily opened, Carmelia can see a whole lot of people grouped into little knots, talking, laughing or whatever. Her beast's hackles rise uncomfortably at the presence of so many vampires. Eloi responds to Carmelia, recovering from a hacking cough, "Please do... it is better for her to be out from under my wing. I'll just stifle her- but you take good care of her, you hear? Or I'll come after you with a fucking flamethrower." Eloi's voice doesn't hold any true malice towards her, while finally he turns to the man and says simply, "Eloi."

"Ah, Carmelia Lorena," she addresses to the man and says to Eloi, "I'll take as good care of her as I can, promise." She glances at Leonor, "You don't mind if I drag you around, do you?"

"No, I don't m-" The man coughs loudly to interrupt them, "Carmelia Lorena the fledgling?"

Carmelia blinks, and says, "Is that like a title or something? Capital T and capital F?" Her tone is part mocking and part irritated.

The man gives her an, I have to deal with uptight vampires all night smile and points to a door on the opposite side of the room from him, "That is the fledgling entrance over there."

Carmelia shrugs and stands right where she is, waiting for Leonor to introduce herself since they're like as not going through the same door and she'd like to make the man think she's refusing. So, she folds her arms and twists a leg, testing the tile flooring with the toe of her strappy shoe.

The man lifts his arm higher and points again at the door, while looking to Leonor and asking, "Name?" She says, after an unsure glance at Carmelia,"Leonor of cl-." The man finishes her sentence, "Clan Nosferatu. Fledgling entrance over there."

Carmelia snickers when he lifts his arm again after having just put it down and winks at Leonor, waiting for her to walk with her as they make their way to the door. On the way, she waves to Eloi and says to Leonor, "Our own special entrance. Grand." Her voice holds a hint of irony and she opens the door for Leonor before following through herself.

Before the door is open, Leonor comments to Carmelia, "Just wait.. there are probably lions waiting to eat us or something." The door opens into a small room with a window that looks out towards the square and the dock- where another ship is moving in. Inside the room are a number of old, hard-looking antique leather couches, while there are another two doors leading off besides the one they arrived through. Standing in the center of the room is a man dressed as a servant, holding a tray of wine-glasses, each of them full with a thick red liquid. Carmelia realises after just a moment that it is blood sloshing around inside the glass. There is one other figure in here, seated on the couch and leaning forward, arms folded and resting against his knees. He's wearing a dark vest and pants, his hair in disorganised spikes. Up his right arm runs a tattoo of a Chinese dragon that looks expertly done- the vest likely his clothing of choice so as not to conceal the artwork. He's a rather thin guy, seeming young and slender of feature. There is a growing tingling at the base of Carmelia's spine as her gaze first passes over him.

"Mmmm," Carmelia murmurs to Leonor, "Wine glass?" Her eyes were on the spike-haired fellow when she made the savory sound, however. She tears her gaze away and approaches the man with the wine glasses. She picks one up and offers it to Leonor before fetching another for herself. "I'd have thought more of us might be here."

"Thank you." Leonor says as she takes the glass and sniffs at it, commenting with obvious disappointment, "It smells kind of chemical..." Carmelia's doesn't smell any better, although the sound of the servant's heartbeat is much more alluring. As he hears voices, the young man looks up, his eyes surprisingly a beastial red, but his facial expression indicates relief, and he says as he stands up, "Here I thought I was going to be the only one."

Carmelia sniffs her glass, then sits it back on the tray, "No thanks, suddenly a bit queasy." She shakes her head, "Three so far. I'm Carmelia, this is my friend Leonor... well, I hope anyway. We just met too." She gestures to Leonor and offers the fellow her hand.

The man steps forward a bit, saying, "Raul," as he takes Carmelia's hand first and again when he does the same to Leonor. He then lifts a hand, holding it against the back of his neck as he says, "Sorry if I'm low on the whole etiquette thing. Are we supposed to declare our clans and throw down to see who is the toughest dog with the biggest sire?" His tone of voice indicates that he's not thrilled with the idea.

"Yup," Carmelia grins, "But we can break tradition if we want, eh? Maybe clans though, 'cause we've got poor Leonor at an unfair disadvantage. I'm Daeva." I think? Carmelia grins, "Did you try the blood glasses? Ew."

Raul relaxes his arm, his hands clasping backwards as if stretching his finger muscles. "Gangrel here, although to be honest, it really doesn't mean much to me. As for the blood, yeah... I made that mistake. Once. One thing I can say for it is that it probably won't kill you." He grins a little, seeming a little self-deprecating in his humour and expression. Leonor speaks up, "I'm Nosferatu.. I got the impression from my sire that we're none-too-popular." Raul comments, "I think that makes three of us. It feels like they're putting us back here because we're too embarassing to be seen in public."

"Hehe, maybe. Or just making sure we know our place," Carmelia glances around, "Do you think anyone else will be joining us?" She takes in the rest of the room and comments, "We can make bets on how long we'll wait."

"If we did, my bet would be that they'll forget we're here until they've packed up and turned off the lights." Raul quips just as one of the two other doors opens and a woman enters. She's dressed in smart business atire with a skirt to some way above her knees, and dark stockings. She's rather pale of skin and her blonde hair is tied into a neat bun. She looks over the three people- servants don't count- present, her lips pursed together.

Carmelia replies to Raul just as the woman enters, "Nah, just until we've been sitting here long enough to know how truly insignificant we are." Her grin slips and she studies a nearby painting when it's apparent that the new woman clearly could have overheard her. A moment later, she looks properly at the woman, a hint of embarrassment in her expression.

The woman's eyes betray no look of shock or concern at Carmelia's words as she closes the door behind her. She speaks up, "Leonor? Raul? Pedro? Carmelia? Who seems to be missing? I assume that neither of the ladies are Pedro or Raul, which must make you..." "Raul" "Raul then. I assume that nobody has spoken with... no, I didn't think so. Well, we'll give him a few minutes." She looks them all over with an accomodating smile, "Let me begin by welcoming you all tonight- it promises to be a big evening, and no doubt a little scary for you all. My name is Rebeca, the Keeper of Elysium here in Rio de Janeiro- do any of you have any questions that I may be able to help you with?"

Embarrassed, Carmelia shakes her head in the negative. Maceta had gone over some things with her, mostly to prepare her, but she shifts a bit closer to Leonor, feeling as if the woman's monsterous aspect might shield her from Rebeca's gaze.

Raul speaks up, "How is this going to go down tonight?" "Alright, I'll try to lay it out for-" The other door opens and in walks a man that appears to be in his late thirties wearing a black suit jacket and pants with a dark blue shirt that is undone for the first two buttons, while a thick gold chain hangs around his neck, and oversized gold rings adorn his fingers. Chest hairs sprout from the opening presented by his open shirt, while he looks around, eying Rebeca and then Carmelia with a smirk before he speaks up, "I'm not too late am I?"

Carmelia wonders if Pedro's some kind of Rio de Janiero gangster or something, and isn't impressed with his style. She gives Leonor a sly, sideways glance, to share a giggle at the man's arrogant self-introduction. Leonor briefly returns the grin, making her face weep once again with ooze.

"No, come in Pedro." Rebeca announces, "We're just getting started. As I was saying to the others, my name is Rebeca, and I'm the Keeper of Elysium. Raul here was just inquiring as to the events tonight. First of all, I'll take you all before the kindred of the city so that they can see you and recognise you in the coming nights. From there, I'll have you declare your fealty to the prince publicly- a formality really. Lastly, I'll take you individually to see the Prince, and from there, you'll be free to enjoy the rest of the night as a member of our community."

Carmelia nods along with Rebeca, surprised when she hears that they each will have a few private moments with the Prince. I wonder if that's so he can do something nasty, like make us sign our souls away in blood. She opens Eva's purse and fetches out a compact and some lipstick, smearing it on to freshen her lips before she walks out in front of the crowd. I hope Eva is in the crowd and has a fit, thinks Carmela unkindly.

"Please follow me, all of you?" Rebeca asks, beckoning them and heading off through the door.. which leads to a staircase leading downwards into the bowels of the building. There is a bit of damp down here, as it must be below sea level. She leads them through some passages and finally to another staircase that leads back up. "I'd like you all to go up as one. Now then..." She stops to check on Raul first, straightening his vest and putting a stray hair out of the way. When she comes to Pedro, he leers at her chest- and she moves on to Carmelia, and pauses as if to give her a few touch ups.

Carmelia bears the touches without concern, noting that she had done well enough by Raul and Pedro. Curious about how far away the crowd is, she strains her ears to hear any intruding sounds.

Carmelia can hear a constant murmur from upstairs, but the voices are hushed as if waiting for something, and there are too many to really distinguish between them. It is thus with utmost clarity that she hears Rebeca's soft whisper in her ear, "Welcome to the family, sister." She then moves on to Leonor and takes the time to do some more adjustments.

Carmelia blinks with surprise, thinking, My goodness, word gets around fast. I hope we can get the crowd walking over with soon though - why do I feel like I'm about to be wheeled in on a dining cart?

"Up you go." Rebeca says, motioning them up.

Carmelia follows Pedro, hoping he'll draw more attention from the front while Leonor draws more from behind. Too much to hope no one will notice me. I'll just keep an eye out for that bitch, Eva.

Up they go, and Carmelia finds herself upon a stage... a stage that is surrounded on all sides by bars seperating it from the mass below. Looking out, Carmelia sees a mass of people, all of them looking up at her- there must be over one hundred vampires there, and her beast isn't liking it at all, feeling like potential prey now more than ever. Carmelia notices a few familiar faces- she sees Graca Varregosa standing close by Gabriela and she also sees Maceta in a second floor balcony, seated with two people, one of them a slender, dark-haired man and the other a woman dressed similarly to Maceta's bishop clothing (which he isn't wearing right now). She sees Ambrosio with several other vampires, and she also sees Eva. Eva is dressed in a dress with quite the plunging neckline and her ruby red lips sparkle. She's seemingly laughing at something being said by the woman at her side-Nicole, incidently- until her eyes lock with Carmelia's.

Carmelia inhales a bit sharply when she sees the others, concentrating on quelling her beast. The precious moments of struggle ease her stage fright or at least distract her enough from it to remain standing still beside, and slightly behind, Pedro. When Eva's gaze meets hers, Carmelia allows her anger to flare, folding her arms. Eva's purse hangs from her elbow and she turns her gaze away, smiling instead to Maceta's balcony, a brief gesture to her "sire".

Eva stares at her, seemingly lost for words and in fact quite utterly stunned.Interestingly, Nicole slowly takes on a smile like the cat that got the cream. Maceta raises a hand slightly and nods to acknowledge her before he leans across to whisper something to the man at his side.

Carmelia nods slightly after Maceta's gesture, as if receiving the brief moment of acknowledgement was all she sought or expected, and searches the crowd for Eloi, forcing herself to retain her calm.

Carmelia locates Eloi with ease, where he stands amongst a group containing a few figures as similarly ugly and deformed as he, although there are some others that are reasonably attractive amongst them. He's standing there with an eye on his childe and an odd expression of pride. Eva, meanwhile cranes her neck to the location of Carmelia's nod, seeming to stare at the trio of vampires- all of whom ignore her quite thoroughly.

Carmelia inhales once again and tries to force some calm on herself. Nothing like being a lamb up for slaughter. I wonder if we're supposed to caper and do tricks now? She tries to recall what Rebeca had suggested and finds nothing of use in her memory, so settles for keeping her chin up and poise relaxed... just another pretty Daeva girl amongst the newcomers. Inside, she kicks her inner-beast into submission.

The soft murmuring stops as some music starts off from a group of musicians on one side of the large room and all lights in the room turn off except for one. That on the central balcony in the room, that to the right of Maceta's. A woman's voice speaks up, accented oddly, "All rise for the master of Rio de Janeiro, Lord over Guanabara Bay, Prince Marius the Great. By the grace of the Lord does he rule." The curtains shrouding the balcony are slowly pulled back. Revealed is a tall, robust man dressed in the austere yet masculine garb of a senior Roman senator, one length of it draped over his arm. His hair is short and a blondey-brown in colour, and his face and chest seem free of hair. He looks out at the gathering with what could only be described as an imperious expression. Standing behind and to his right is a woman, a little on the short and heavy side, her skin a rich, dark black. She's dressed in robes of yellow and has some sort of headdress draped over her hair.

Carmelia observes the crowd's reaction, having no need to stand given that she's already on her own two feet and facing the prince of Rio. She does, however, sneak a quick peak at Maceta and Eva both, as well as their company.

She sees Eva shrugging Nicole's hand off her shoulder and pressing towards the stage- and Carmelia. Maceta seems quite comfortably relaxed- as does the man with him. The woman with him looks too austere and shrew-like to ever relax. The prince speaks, lifting a hand as if for a silence that was already present, "My fellow kindred of Rio de Janeiro, allow me to welcome you here tonight. As always, we are gathered for a number of reasons; but it has always been my policy to promote the activities of the young among us, and thus we begin with this." Carmelia sees him motioning out- and the woman at his side presses a button on a remote control. Two lights above them turn on, highlighting those upon the stage. "This is our hope for tomorrow." Carmelia hears a brief snicker from someone in the crowd.

Carmelia plasters a bored half-smile on her lips and glances at Leonor first, then the other two. In her mind, she thinks, Oh yeah, we're dinner alright,and tries to quiet her nervousness. Her danger sense rings an unending alarm.

Leonor is shuffling uncomfortably in front of so many pairs of hungry eyes. Raul is staring at his feet, arms folded and expression guarded. Pedro meanwhile is standing at the forefront of all, hands on his hips as if making himself even more on display. The Prince speaks up again, "To you, fledglings, I have some brief words of advice. If you are well behaved and prove yourselves to be worthy additions to my domain, I assure you that your service will be rewarded." He pauses for a moment, allowing that to sink in.

Too much to hope this is like a fairy tale where the prince is bound by some magic to always tell the truth, eh? Carmelia thinks suspiciously to herself, then gives herself a mental kick, Not everyone is a bad guy. I'm not, afterall... right? Memories of Craig and other bouts of trouble she's managed for herself belie her attempt to ease her pessimism.

The Prince resumes as Carmelia is coming to grips with her thoughts, "However, if you show yourselves to be otherwise, then-" Suddenly many many lights flare, all directed at the four new vampires on the stage with a sudden and blinding intensity that they cannot help but cringe, "your nights in my city will be very short indeed."

Carmelia involuntarily lifts a hand to block the sudden light, physically flinching at the lash to her auspex-heightened vision that just a moment before had been strained to its maximum to pierce the veil of darkness. Blood tears rise to her eyes and she squeezes them tightly shut. There's pain, but strangely it doesn't bother her - but even so, it's a full minute or two until she can see again.

Carmelia's returning vision shows her Pedro slumped in a ball on the ground. By the time Carmelia can see again, she realises that the prince is no longer in the balcony- thirty seconds later and she hears a set of footsteps upon the stairs behind them.

Carmelia glances over her shoulder, wondering if the prince moved with Maceta's speed or if it's Rebeca... or worse, someone new. Damn, that stunk, Carmelia thinks with regard to her momentary light-blindness of earlier.

Entering from the stairs is Rebeca with a trail of servants behind her, carrying a throne between four of them, which they set down in center stage between the fledglings and the stairs. Rebeca requests of them, "Kneel to declare your fealty before the prince."

Carmelia glances at poor Pedro, wondering if he can manage, but kneels none-the-less.

The Prince climbs steadily up the stairs, eyes sweeping over the four fledglings before him. His yellow-clad shadow is close behind. At such close range he looks taller and stronger than he did from afar, radiating a more personal sense of majesty as he seats himself in his throne.

Carmelia looks up at him and measures his features, wondering how old he is.

Rebeca moves to stand behind the fledglings- actually, directly behind Carmelia. Pedro manages to clamber himself back up and turns to face the Prince, although he keeps his head hung down. The Prince looks over them all and states, "I would hear from you all, and to what you are willing to pledge to me." He looks around and his eyes focus on Carmelia, "Starting with you, Carmelia, childe of Meceta."

Carmelia inclines her head, placing a hand on her heart - she has no idea what's proper, but figures if it works for the Pledge of Allegiance,it's probably proper enough- and says in a clear voice, "I, Carmelia Lorena, pledge allegiance to the laws that bind Rio de Janeiro and its Prince." She glances up, looking to see if she's expected to say more, wishing Maceta had given her a better idea of what kind of oath she's supposed to be swearing.

"You have my permission to remain in my city. You will feed only under the auspices of your sire's domain until you have proven yourself worthy of being granted one of your own. You will cause no death in your feedings- to do so will result in yours when you are caught. You will uphold the masquerade so as not to endanger your fellow kindred, and lastly, you will create no childer but with my permission." The Prince informs her in that same imprerious tone he used earlier.

Carmelia merely nods, though she wonders if the fact that Maceta clearly didn't have permission to ire here will come into question. Probably not... I imagine that's the sort of thing handled behind closed doors. Tearing herself away from her thoughts, she looks to the other fledglings, curious if their oaths will be different.

Raul is the next selected. When he comes to pledge, he says after a pause, "I promise to follow your laws and be a model vampire, O Prince." There is a pause, before Raul is given the same reading as Carmelia was when she was granted her vampiric citizenship. Next comes Pedro, he lifts his eyes to the Prince, "My Prince, I do solemnly swear t-" He's cut short by the Prince's query, "Pedro, who is your sire?" "Ovidio." The Prince seems to mull this over for awhile, so long in fact that Pedro starts to begin again, "I do solem-" He is interrupted again, "I don't recall granting permission to have you sired, Pedro childe of Ovidio."

Carmelia blinks, Hey, I'm the one sired without permission... 'sides, if he didn't have permission, would he have come? Carmelia frowns very deeply.

"But, bu-" Pedro begins, his usually utter confidence seeming to waver. A man's voice raises in anger, "My Prince, we discussed this very matter six months ago. You told me that I could sire-" The Prince's eyes lock with the man's and he raises his voice again, "As I was about to say, I have decided to be lenient this one time- although I will remind every one of you that this is a very serious matter. The embrace is closely monitored for a reason. That reason being so that we keep a reasonable ratio of our numbers to theirs to aid in maintaining the masquerade. "Now, continue Pedro, childe of Ovidio." Pedro practically grovels as he says, "My Prince, I swear to uphold your every law and word and to be a faithful servant unto your house."

Man, Carmelia thinks, keeping her gaze down almost out of embarrassment for Pedro, I hope he isn't forced to uphold THAT one word-per-word. Carmelia glances finally to Leonor, hoping that nothing goes wrong with her new possible friend.

Leonor speaks softly but succinctly, "Prince Marius, I give my word to obey the rules of your domain and those given by you directly." The Prince accepts that easily and grants her permission to stay and behave.

Carmelia looks over her shoulder to Rebeca, waiting for both direction and an indication of whether she had acted appropriately. I hope this was the "private" meeting or whatever,she thinks. I'm not sure I could stomach this guy alone.

Rebeca speaks up, but seems to be addressing the crowd, "Now that these kindred have been accepted into our city, when you see them next you will embrace them as neonates." She turns back to the group and says quietly, "Come, everyone downstairs now. The Prince wishes to address the others..." She walks past them to take the stairs first. "You all did very well, you should be pleased." She doesn't glance at Pedro as she says that.

Following Leonor and Rebeca, Carmelia wonders why Pedro is so obviously out of good grace with the prince and his keeper of Elysium. She wonders if it was his tardiness and barely restrains a snicker - if it was something as minor as that, who knows how a snicker would be punished?

"I'll be taking you all along now for your private audience- do any of you have questions to ask of me? Please, don't be shy." She looks around at them all.

Carmelia hesitantly raises a hand, "Is there anything that the prince in particular dislikes or prefers in decorum? I was briefed a bit, but... I don't wish to step wrong so soon."

"Oh you won't be seeing the Prince- he hasn't the time to see to you personally. No, his seneschal will be interviewing you. If you wish to have your sires present, it is allowable." From her tone of voice, she wouldn't think highly of it.

"Ahh, I see." Carmelia nods easily enough and does not ask for her sire.

Raul asks aloud, "Is it absolutely necessary that we do this. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to do this- but if I don't have to, I'd rather not." With an easy smile, Rebeca informs him that yes, it is quite necessary.

Carmelia smiles openly, "Not an extrovert, are you, Raul?" Her smiling voice holds no sting to it, "Can I go first? I'd like to mingle a bit and it'd be nice to have more time for that later... if no one minds?" And Maceta told me to.

"You could say that. The sooner this is all done with, the better as far as I'm concerned." Raul answers with a brief smile. As to Carmelia's request to go first, both Raul and Leonor seem quite happy to let her go first, while Pedro still seems shaken from earlier.

Carmelia nods and follows after Rebeca, inquiring quietly when they're out of normal human earshot, "Did Pedro do something wrong?"

"No. Although perhaps his sire did.." She seems to know something about that that she isn't saying, but falls back so that she walks alongside Carmelia, "You are eager to be out though- you truly are our father's daughter, hmm? Built after his own image, even."

Carmelia tilts her head and inquires, "What do you mean?" she replies, perplexed. I can't say I see any similarity with either of them.

"Maceta is the consumate schmoozer- and it seems you're all set to take after him. Give him my regards later, will you and tell him that I think he chose well? I doubt I'll have the chance myself."

"I can hardly refuse such a complimentary message, and... " Carmelia blushes slightly, "I've never had a sister. I won't impose though, of course."

"There is no such thing as imposing between kin, Carmelia. I like to think that I'd be available if you had need to see me. Or merely wanted to- on some other night than this one at least. Stage managing the prince's affairs aren't exactly easy."

"You're lovely, however, and the strain certainly doesn't show," Carmelia smiles, "I'll send you a card sometime with my number. Feel free to contact me anytime if you need an extra pair of hands - I like parties."

She gives Carmelia a thoughtful look and pauses outside a door, "I may just do that, thank you Carmelia- and I'm probably the easiest person to find in the whole of Rio. Well.. here we are. Good luck." She gives Carmelia a squeeze of the shoulder and suggests, "Just knock when you're ready to go in- I need to get back to the others so they don't wander off."

"See you later then," Carmelia replies warmly and reaches up to knock on the door just as Rebeca turns away. She doesn't see much of a point in waiting.

role-play, rio de janeiro, vampire, white-wolf, carmelia

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