Apr 29, 2004 03:03
Hello everyone its been awhile since ive messed with this but i guess it will get the word out faster...i am now out of the army, all i have to do is sign one more form then i done with that. It all hit me hard when my brother left for afghanistan on tuesday...i dont know just guess i now had a personal connection with it. Since i was so unsure about it i though why risk it and throw four years of my life away for something i may despise beyond beleif and break some and just hurt most of the ties i have here with my family and friends...i stayed in as long as i did mostly for the money but after talking with caleb he said something no one has ever really said to me...is money worth four years of being unsure/being shot at and leaving your friends and family behind...but it wasnt like the normal tone i get that in it was an angry assertive tone...but anyway...im now (more than likely, but im waiting for my scholarship info and application to go through)im gonna attend ASU Technical Center here in Jonesboro starting in agust and go there for a little over 3 months and get qualified as an EMT (emergency medical technician) and work as a driver for an ambulance service, or an ER nurse, even could for the fire department. Then work for one of those services for a year and get paid around 8 or 9 dollars a hour...then once the year mark rolls around im gonna go to Paramedic School which will be here in jonesboro again and it will last 11-12 months and then more than likely start as an ER Nurse (if i dont like the ambulance service) and get my foot in the door on nursing at maybe eventually become a Registered Nurse(before i can be a RN I have to become a LPN first)...thats right Eric J. in scrubs ;)
As an EMT and a Paramedic i will be working 48-72 hour shifts (they have bunks and such in the ambulance service buildings) and then have 1-3 days off with one of those ill be on call. An EMT earns 8-9 dollars a hour.....A Paramedic earns 12-15 dollars an hour.....LPN earns 20-25.....and RN earns around 30 a hour.
My scholarship, which more than likely i will receive, covers all the cost of EMT school(books...everything included), then when i go to Paramedic school it will cover the cost of tuition but not books.
I have been with maria now for a month and things are still going really well we have seen eachother everyday and she still isnt sick of me....i got a raise at fazolis so this summer i can afford to move out...me, maria, marias best friend, and my cousin and her boyfriend are planning on moving into a 3 bedroom house (with five way rent its only gonna cost us 120 a month!)
Sorry i havent see alot of you lately but im just really damn busy with graduation and getting all me EMS shit worked out...and quiting the army.
love you all...i took an aderol and its 3:30 in the morning and i have already typed my essay i needed to get my scholarship and i typed a short essay about why i want to be in the EMS program...damn im on a role...and this has been the best day that i can ever remember.
Eric sums up his day
quit army
got scholarship...at least part of it
registered with tech school
typed 2 essays
ate dinner with my grandma and caleb
hung out with panda and caleb
basically proposed to maria (said in two years once im a paramedic, im gonna be secure enough money and job wise that im going to ask you to marry me) and she said she cant wait until then and me saying that made her feel happy and lucky to have someone like me.
Damn im on a winning spree in my life right now...to bad it will eventually end and ill lose something or someone..but you know what right now i could really care less cause shit its 3:30 and im wide awake wasting your time and FUCK i got to go to school tomorrow.
For those of you not in college go to the ASU Tech school there is still many scholarships but they are all do like June 5th and its never too late to register with classes there well you know until like august when they start....its really easy and its a great deal...well i feel like typing to here are all the classes they offer.
-certificate programs-
automotive body repair
automotive service technician
data processing
digital electronics technology
energy control technology
truck driving YEEHAW
-associate degreee of applied science-
digital electronics technonly
automotive service technology
busniness technology
-health programs-
emergency medical technician
practical nursing
nurse technician/aide
wow i need to go to bed and stop wasting your time.
im working 2-10:30 on mondays...Tuesday=12-8...wens=no work...thurs=no work...fri=4-11:30...sat=8am-5pm...sun=4-10:30
well love you all and ill cya around sometime
Eric J.