Man, I haven't posted on here in 5 days--just been busy I guess. Well, I don't get much traffic on here, so it's no big deal.
Every year about this time, I start getting a bit irritible. The main reason for that, I think, is all of the X-mas & christian junk everywhere. Stores & toy manufacturers have made this into a season of greed & annoying advertising. Seriously, the main things on my X-mas list are non-material, but things I dearly want to happen. But, I can't even go grocery shopping without hearing some kid whine or cry because they aren't getting some stupid little toy, and if they aren't doing that they are cheerfully reciting a finger-pointing list of things that Santa must bring them. I can't help but see kids these days as being greedy. The thing is that it's not their fault because all they see on TV is ads for this or that toy and catch lines to make them think every other kid will be getting it.
But, most days, the kids are forgiveable...mostly because they aren't mine and I can relish in the thought that I'm not likely to have any (at least not soon). The real pain is the christians who at this time of year decide to throw their religion down your throat and try to make you happy about it. If you don't want to hear their carols, they are offended and scream them at you, rather than respecting that you don't share their delusions or desire in throwing your own delusions (yeah, I have still believing in dragons, lol) down every else's throats. The whole "crusade to save you" thing is what really pisses me off; they just can't leave well enough alone and accept that you're happy how you are. In fact, the only think that makes me unhappy about my spiritual choices are these people acting like close-minded, intolerant fools.
Salvation Army is getting on my nerves. Everytime I go grocery shopping they are their ringing that high pitched bell & blockading the entrance (litterally). They try every trick to make you feel guilty not giving them money--including yelling "jesus loves you" if you say you don't support their business outlook. The religious stuff they do is annoying (and a bit messed up when you consider that many times they require those they are helping to sit through religious sermons before getting supplies or a hot meal. But, their outlook of discrimination is what is really buggy. Add in that they are often allowed to blockade entrances of businesses so that you can't get in to buy milk, and they get pretty annoying.
Oh, well, off my soap box for the day. Just wish I could get the other grad student in the lab to quit with the dang christian radio station turned up to high volume. Grrrrr.