Just don't like me actually grow a beard.

Apr 15, 2009 21:18

I was a bit annoyed by this when I saw the result, but the description is like me. I was just hoping for animal trainer.

Your result for What Circus Performer would you be?...

Bearded Lady!

As the bearded lady, you're a shy little wallflower just looking for their own path to peace. You live an alternative life that many others cannot understand, making you somewhat outcast, but you're very kind, so once people finally get to know you, they adore you for your sweet personality.


You love alone time because all of the world's negativity just drags you down. You'd much rather be cuddled up by the fire, watching a weird movie no one's heard of, than going to a dark and scandalous night club, where you would feel out of place.


Since you're a bit of an odd-ball, you attach yourself to other people who are different. They're more understanding and better people to be around in the long-run. They love you exactly for you are and you don't have to wear a social mask around them.


You have an adorable personality and you don't keep up on the latest trend or the biggest new celebrity scandal because it's all so trivial and doesn't interest you. You much rather spend time thinking about the important things in life, like love, friendship, and happiness.


So, cheer up, buttercup! You're so beautiful on the inside, and soon a special someone will see that beauty reflected on the outside.

Take What Circus Performer would you be?
at HelloQuizzy


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