I'm not awake...X-(

Nov 22, 2005 07:35

Okay, I guess I am awake, but I don't want to be awake. I'm on the positive side of feeling like $hit. I did get all of the grading finished last night and posted the scores for my students. I'm going to pass back papers today, so I don't have to carry anything around with me. I feel asleep (this was before grading) while drinking chicken noodle soup & watching a movie--I was sitting against the bed on the floor at the time. It's a good thing that my husband keeps an eye on me when I have hot soup; I woke up when he went to take the mug away from me.


Dilbert today continues the difficult co-worker string...although this is probably the second & last strip on it. Somedays, I wish I could quit & become a cartoonist...well, maybe something more like a famous writer of political satire or science fiction. I also added the Dilbert Blog to my blog list--semi-funny.

Okay, my husband says that my outfit indicates that I don't feel good. Since I can't breathe through my nose, that's about right. Well, time to figure out what to eat for breakfast & get ready for school.

teaching, sick, dilbert

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