Healthy Packaged Food for Busy Women

Aug 09, 2008 19:28

While I was searching out articles on healthy food choices, I came across the current issue of Women's Health magazine and a recent article/mini-study they did. They went through common packaged foods you'd find at the grocery store and assessed them for nutritional value (for an average woman's dietary needs). They then gathered a panel of "busy" women to taste test the food. What they came up with was 125 top packaged, semi-healthy foods for women. I think it's pretty neat that they attempted a scientific approach to the article instead of just making a list of hip packaged foods. The more that things like this that are targeted at a general audiance can incorporate a systematic approach, the more we might be able to break down some myths and assist people in being more scientifically literate. Another interesting thing: SlimFast sponsored the article, but I don't see any of their products on the list.

The list:
News article and video about the list:

food, health, news

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