You know you're a grad student if...

Jun 26, 2007 22:30

Snatched from the Facebook group "You know you're a grad student if...":

5. you have ever brought a scholarly article to a bar.
8. you have ever discussed academic matters at a sporting event.
14. you regard ibuprofen as a vitamin.
18. you have given up trying to keep your books organized and are now just trying to keep them all in the same general area.
19. you have accepted guilt as an inherent feature of relaxation.
26. you wonder if APA style allows you to cite talking to yourself as "personal communication"
27. you cite information you copied of the internet and put into a group on facebook
28. you waste time on facebook when you should be studying for comps
30. you feel guilty for sleeping
31. you substitute sleep for caffinated beverages
40. you cringe at the idea of teaching a class full of pre-meds
41. if you've contemplated using the safety showers
45. if you've programmed the numbers to Fisher and Dominos into your cell phone [Does Pizza Hut & the local Fort Dodge rep count?]
49. you find yourself talking about your freshman students as "those kids"...and then realize that your own freshman year was only five years ago [Over eight years actually]
54. you catch yourself thinking “I need to schedule some time next semester for serendipitous social exchanges?"
56. you have a list of stupid things that undergrads said in their assignments, to share with your fellow TAs at the bar
59. you worry about throwing away readings that you printed for some class last year because "you never know when you might need them."
.'ve ever laughed at a professor's CV [What? He was a pompous ass and his CV reflected it.]
75. you get frustrated at the library for being open fewer hours during the winter break
78. If you consider going to the bathroom a study break.
86. you do work to avoid other work
95. ...people think you're cool because you have a PDA/Blackberry/Treo/etc. but you know otherwise you'd forget everything!
96. ...your phone/email/PDA is always beeping but it's because it's reminding you to eat, shower, feed the dog [Well, actually it's reminding me to update my to-do list, pay a bill, or call someone.]
109. ...if you attend/present at a conference and you treat it like its a vacation. (especially when its an out of state conference)
113. You're tired of explaining to your family for the hundredth time why you don't have Thanksgiving break, winter break, spring break, columbus day, president's day, etc off like your bro/sis who's an undergrad

grad school

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