Exam Complete!

Nov 15, 2005 11:24

I just finished my Molecular Genetics exam. It wasn't too bad, but there were points that I completely blanked on which protein name went with which function. I get the big picture, just can't memorize the fricking names. We'll see on Thursday or next Tuesday how I did.

I also managed to get rid of about half of the graded papers I was sitting on. I love it that my students have lecture next door to one of my classes. I just sit outside a few minutes before & after class, and decrease the amount of stuff I have to carry around. Communication has also been great because of that. There's so many things that students will tell you outside the classroom that they won't say during class or through email. Excellent feedback. I also had some of the students from the lab I assist (took there last quiz & did evalutaions yesterday) come up to talk to me. It just makes my day how many of them thanked me for being there & helping them when the main TA for that section didn't do his job or berated them for being confused. Forget the narcissistic boss! This is what I love about teaching--the students are awesome!

Well, time to head into lab. I get to pick bacteria clone coloies to be sequenced. Cool.

school, teaching

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