Alex has the ability to go walking in other character's dreams, and other characters can come into hers. She doesn't necessarily have to know your character in the waking world to do so, but it makes it easier if she's trying to find a specific dream.
Your character does not have to remember the dream. They can if they want to, but it's not a requirement. Alex will, but she might not mention it. The dream can be as bizarre or as normal as you like, and as meaningful or as meaningless. It can be your character being chased by giant pink mice, or it can be something deeply symbolic - whatever you like.
Alex makes dreams MUCH more vivid when she enters them - they tend to become almost indistinguishable from real life. She can't make your character able to
lucid dream (if anything, she makes it harder to tell that it's a dream) and if your character DOES remember the dream, they may wake up confused and have a moment of disorientation as they awaken. Alex is a lucid dreamer, and can (with permission) muck around with dreamscapes.
Note that this isn't bound by species - if your character is sentient, she can dreamwalk them. This even applies to AI characters: if your character dreams of electric sheep, Alex can go herding them. However, if a character can block out psychic abilities or even just plain doesn't want Alex in their head, she won't be able to go mucking about.
*edit* Finally, Alex is trained very specifically to kill nightmares. That's her job in canon - she goes around murdering nightmares (later her teacher teaches her to cut out people's emotions too, but she hasn't learned that yet. Thankfully.) If your character has horrible problems with voices in their head and general SOB TRAUMA, she can temporarily alleviate that by busting in and taking it out. Alternatively, they can dream her dreams instead, which tend to be very peaceful.
- Can Alex dreamhop into your character's dreams?
- Can Alex muck around with the fabric of that dream (changing stuff, etc)
Also use this for planning CR or whatever.