Anaphylaxis for sale at Wal-Mart?

Jan 11, 2006 09:26

Here's the latest from Anaphylaxis (thanks, Jason, for always staying on top of things like this!):

1. Anaphylaxis - "Noise For Lovers" somehow ended up on I am in the process of actually getting the CD in stock there, since it appears they posted it for sale without actually having any to sell!

Here's the link:

2. "Noise For Lovers" somehow ended up on Wal-Mart's web site, available as digital downloads:;jsessionid=DDlbrjDIxweY2vvpVFLQufD2VGEHWlA7VsD06YRhLvfTcqWoHXPb!2066371332?action=artist&term=anaphylaxis

This is just weird to me... I am sure it's somehow connected to the fact that the album is on ITunes, etc, but seriously... are any Anaphylaxis fans going to be scouring Wal-Mart's website (of all places) looking for downloadable music to purchase?!
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