Okage Chapter Four!

Apr 18, 2008 14:29

Long chapter is looooong. The usual disclaimers apply!

Okage Chapter 4: Strange Days and Stranger Company:

Nameless Dwelling:

Stan: Damn, why do I, the Evil King have to
travel followed by a hero, scholar and Princess!
You are too easy on them!
I hate you slave!

Annie: Oh, you are back again!
Where is Rosalyn!?

Father: Oh boy,
an adventure accompanied
by a Princess!
Very heroic sounding!

Mother: Oh boy, welcome back.
Since the Princess joined
you’ve become twice the man
you were.
I wonder if it was like this with
your rather when he was young.
Hee hee.
…Well, Ari.
How’s it been going with the
Princess since the last time?
If it’s embarrassing you can tell
me later.

Grandfather: Ho ho, welcome back.
I am glad to see you.
Good to see you’re with
a pretty Princess.
Next time,
bring back a pretty Queen.

Grandmother: (Giggle)…
How have you been?
Nothing more important than
good health.
As long as I have good health,
I am happy.


Julia: So you’re some macho tough guy,
now? You’re going further and
further away from my ideal.
I was thinking of reconsidering
for a little while.
Who’s the supermodel over there?
Well, speak up?
Who is she?
Ari: Responses: -Don’t worry about it.
-This is a Princess.
-(Hmm, how should I answer this…)
Julia: Well, you don’t have to lie.
If you don’t like me, just tell me.
All along I thought you had
a crush on me…
You don’t waste any time, huh.
I leave you alone for a moment
and you fall for the first girl you…
So you’re that type after all.
I was wrong about you.
Stan: Whoa, how selfish.
So this is what humans are
really like. Heh heh heh.
The very fabric of
human nature is evil.
Evil and egotistical.
Julia: Ari, why are you doing this?
Why do you need to play tricks
with your shadow?
I told you, I don’t like that
kind of man!
Stan: Play tricks with your shadow!?
Grrr, these villagers here,
they conspire to infuriate me!
Rosalyn: Say, you, Ari is not
the kind of person you described.
You’ve known him long
enough to know that, right?
And it’s true, that she’s the Princess.
You’ve got to believe what
your friend tells you. Right?
Julia: I don’t want to hear any excuses.
Rosalyn: ……
I give up.
Marlene: I do not comprehend.
What is this country girl
so upset about? I have not a clue.
There, there, country girl, cool down
your temper. Would you like a cow?
Julia: You have no right
to call me a country girl!!!
*Julia walks off in a huff *
Marlene: What is what young lady mad at?
Ari said nothing at all
to make her mad, I believe…
Rosalyn: Ari has
quite a lot going on, it seems.
Got quite a busy social life
here, huh?

Butcher Fatty’s:

Butcher: Hey! Ari!
What’s happened to your adventure?
You’re homesick already?


Landlord of the Inn: How’s the journey?
Somehow you look stronger.
That’s a good thing.

Loitering Villager: Heeeeeeey.
Ari, who do we have here?
Who is this young lady?
Rosalyn: How rude!
This is Princess Marlene, here.
Geeez! The villagers here don’t even
know what the Princess looks like?
Loitering Villager: Wha…?
You mean the Princess
of the royal family? Oops!
Please do excuse me.
Forgive my rudeness.
I apologize.
Marlene: Hm. I give you pardon.
You seem the type not
to know better.
I have just learned to “cook”
from Ari’s mother.
I am in a very good mood.
Besides, I do not like formality.
As long as people do not look down
on me, it is alright with me.
But you, Ari.
You are different.
Obviously, you are my servant.
Stan: Wait a minute!
We made a deal!
I own half of the boy!
Marlene: You only own one third of the rights!
Don’t you change the figure!
Stan: Curses!
Rosalyn: Oh dear. The Evil King,
and you foolish Princess…
oops, not!
The Princess and you foolish
Evil King, stop this nonsense!
Poor Ari, he’s at a loss…
Ari: Responses: -Don’t worry about me…
-I think it’s funny. Ha ha…
-It’s out of my hands…
Loitering Villager: I feel completely left out.
I guess that’s how a Loitering
Villager gets treated…

okage script

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