Okage Chapter 1: The Boy Meets The King

Jan 18, 2007 19:23

...Wow, this took me long enough. There are, of course, spoilers for my canon. LOTS OF SPOILERS. SPOILERY GOODNESS ABOUNDS BELOW THIS CUT!!

Er...without further ado...Okage:Shadow King Chapter One: The Boy Meets The King! ( Read more... )

okage script

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parasol_hero January 18 2007, 19:55:19 UTC
Ari: Responses: -Okay.
-No way.
-I’d love to but, umm…
Stan: Arrggghh!! Bite your tongue slave!
Don’t try my patience or you will
witness my evil glory first hand!!
Father: Now, now Stan, calm down.
He’s in a little rebellious period.
Look, Ari,
whatever the reason is…
I think it is time for you
to find out about the
What do you think?

Mother: Ari,
don’t drink dirty water, okay?
And greet people properly,

James: (Sob)…Master Stan…
At last, at last you’re departing on
your journey of world conquest!

Annie: Ari, are you okay?
I’m worried ‘cuz although you’re
my big brother, you’re a sissy.

Grandfather: Yes, both your father and mother
went on an adventure to discipline
themselves. Now, it’s your turn.

Grandmother: Uh huh, uh huh…
That’s right, honey.

Father: Ari,
have you made up your mind?
Well, we got together
to see you off.
Come on, do it.
Ari: Responses: - Okay.
-No way.
-Give me a minute.
Stan: Fine, let us go, slave!
Father: Hey, wait a minute.
Ari, you have to say
goodbye to everyone in the family.
It’s normal before
you go on a journey!

Mother: Ari,
don’t drink dirty water, okay?
And greet people properly,
That reminds me.
Take this with you, okay?
*Ari has acquired “Old Music Box”! *
Mother: This is my treasure.
I got this from your dad when I was
young, when he proposed to me.
It is an ancient apparatus that makes
a pretty sound. Find somebody
special on this quest, like we did!
When you find her, don’t hesitate.
Give her this Music Box.
Grab the chance and push,
push and push!

James: (Sob)…Master Stan…
At last, at last you’re departing on
your journey of world conquest!
The world conquest that the former
Great Evil King Gohma
couldn’t achieve…
Because of the intervention of
the hero Hopkins!
But the dark magical power of
Master Gohma is surpassed by
that of Master Stan and his…
Beautifully evil design will reach
it’s full realization!
Oh, it’s a thrilling time to be evil!!
(Sob)…I, James!
will always watch over the Master
from under the sod!
Call me whenever my malicious
services are required!

Annie: Sorry Ari.
This whole thing started
to save me.
Thank you so much big bro!
I’m totally grateful!
The pink shadow’s cute too!
Hurray for Ari!
Good luck!

Grandfather: …Ari.
About the strange items
you got at the church in the village…
They seem to be a part of
something called a “Voice Recorder”.
They say it’s an ancient mysterious
device that stores people’s voice and
replays them.
Since you’re going on a journey,
you might as well look for
the rest of the parts.
It was kept in the village
as a secret treasure.
Somehow I think that it must
be very important.

Grandmother: Uh huh, uh huh…
That’s right, honey.
Oh, Ari
are you going to run
any errands?
Oh, if you are going to the Village,
give this to the baker.
*Ari has acquired “Mere Pebble”! *
Grandmother: Now, come back before dusk.

Father: Well, did you say goodbye to
Then it is time to go.
Don’t worry. Adventuring is fun!
Mother: Yes, a journey makes a person shine!
Your dad in his younger days
was really handsome. Right?
Father: Ha ha ha ha. Stop it honey!
Well, is there anything left?
Ari: Responses: -My allowance?
-Well, how about an allowance?
Father: Huh? Something wrong?
Oh, allowance. Allowance.
Ha ha ha ha!
To be honest, I used up all
of my bonus the other day.
Mother: That’s right!
See, this wooden doll. Isn’t it cute?
It was pretty pricey, though.
Father: Well, if you are an adventurer,
make some money while you’re
on the journey. Ha ha ha!
Why don’t you take
my name card with you?
*Ari acquired “Ordinary Card”! *
Father: People will think you’re famous if
you show them this. You may get in
some private clubs or something.
Ari: Responses: -Thank you?
-Do I need this?
-This is soooo coooool!!!
Father: Ha ha ha, take it with you anyway!
Now go on!
Stan: Boy, you’re chattering forever
and making me wait!
Whatever. Now, slave, we are leaving!

*Ari turns to leave *

Grandfather: Ahem!
The time has come
for our youth to depart!
Mother: One, two, three…
Whole Family: Good luck!

Narrator: And thus,
Ari left his home
to begin a peculiar quest.
And always with him
the malevolent Evil King Stan
looms in his shadow.
What manner of travails and perils await Ari on his journey?



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