Okage Chapter 1: The Boy Meets The King

Jan 18, 2007 19:23

...Wow, this took me long enough. There are, of course, spoilers for my canon. LOTS OF SPOILERS. SPOILERY GOODNESS ABOUNDS BELOW THIS CUT!!

Er...without further ado...Okage:Shadow King Chapter One: The Boy Meets The King! ( Read more... )

okage script

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parasol_hero January 18 2007, 19:43:39 UTC
*the next scene is in Annie’s room*

Strange Shadow: Well, that’s all.
Wake up girl!
Annie: Huh? What happened to me?
Oh my god, I’m cured! I can
speak like a normal person!
Mother: Annie, Oh Annie!
Oh, thank you so much!
Father: Oh, Annie!
I knew I was right!
Ha ha ha, I’m so glad!
Grandfather: Are you alright, Annie?
Annie, your shadow…
Annie: Shadow? What about my shadow,
Oh no!
My shadow turned pink!?
I can’t believe it!
Strange Shadow: Hmm, it seems that
I made a slight miscalculation.
Annie: Oh no! I cannot go outside
with a shadow like this!
I’ll never get married!
Strange Shadow: Shut up.
I promised to break the curse.
I didn’t say that I wouldn’t turn
your shadow pink!
James: That’s my master!
Your logic is wonderfully evil!
Annie: Oh no!
Why me!
My shadow!

Narrator: And so, the commotion at Ari’s house
continued well into midnight.

*Ari has a nightmare, where he is chased by Stan, who catches up to him, laughing, then he falls out of bed, waking up. *

Grandfather: Oh, Ari, good morning.
It’s a beautiful day today.
Aren’t you going to go out and
have fun? Both your
Father and Annie are gone.
Well, me and the miss,
we are going to relax and
talk about old memories.
Well it looks like the water shortage
in town has gotten serious, doesn’t it.
Good thing the house has water
stored up. We should be able to hold out.
Grandmother: Uh huh, uh huh. That’s right honey.

Mother: Good morning Ari!
Want some breakfast?
What’s wrong, honey? You look pale.
You had a nightmare?
Oh poor thing.
Look, it’s beautiful outside.
It’s so peaceful here!
Forget about that dream and go
have some fun in Tenel!

*Ari leaves the house *

Mysterious voice: Hmm. Well,
it WAS a dream.
I am the same old
ordinary boy.
What a relief!
That’s what you’re thinking, isn’t it?
Too bad!

*Stan pops out of Ari’s shadow, knocking Ari down *

Evil King Stan: …This is nothing but reality!
You are the obedient servant
of the Evil King Stan, forever!
Hee hee hee. Hee hee hee…
We’ll be together for a long while,
Boy. Get used to it!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

*James appears *

Evil Butler James: Oh Master Stan.
It’s a fragrant morning, isn’t it?
How about breakfast, Master?
Madam’s omelette is the best.
Evil King Stan: James, we don’t have time
for bearkfast.
From now on, I’ll use this
boy and initiate my plan
for world conquest!
To begin, I’ll drive the nearby
village of Tenel into…
An abyss of nightmarish horror!
Ha ha ha ha!
James: I’m so proud of you
Master Stan! So proud to be in
your fiendish service.
Your James is always
at your side with
passionate devotion!
At least,
after I finish my omelette.
Stan: Well. Off to the village slave!
Let us go!
James: Good luck Master!
Hurrah! For Master!
Well, the omelette, the omelette…

*James walks through the wall of Ari’s house. He can be found in the kitchen talking to Ari’s mother *

James: Mmm, indeed Madam’s cooking is
the best!
Mother: Oh, James…
James: It’s true madam, you’re beautiful, kind
and a great chef! Your husband is
is far too fortunate.
Mother: You’re too flattering, James.
James: Simply the truth Madam.
Ari: Responses:- …Wait a minute!
- Whoa, what’s going on.
-Get lost, ghoul!
James: …Whoa!
You are here, slave!
Ha ha ha, I didn’t notice.
Ha ha ha. It’s a beautiful day today.
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Mother: Oh, I’m glad you’ve got such a
good friend, Ari.
Stan honey, please be good
company for Ari!
Evil King Stan: Ha ha ha! Have you forgotten that
your son serves me?

What’s going on? I told you to head
to the peasant village of Tenel.
To begin my world conquest,
I will plunge them into
an abyss of terror!


parasol_hero January 18 2007, 19:45:13 UTC
Forest of Wilkur:

Young Gentleman: Hey Ari!
Why don’t you introduce your
new friend to everyone?
Hi, you are the famous shadow!
Nice to meet you!
Evil King Stan: Don’t get fresh with me, you suckling!
Do you know who you are talking to!?
Young Gentleman: Ha ha ha, you shy boy!
Ari’s father told me,
you’re a kind gentle shadow!
Evil King Stan: Arrrggghhh…
Young Gentleman: Ha ha ha. It’s funny that you’re shy!
Why don’t you be my friend?
Ha ha ha!

Impressed Villager: Well well, what a great trick!
Ari, you can get
a job at the circus!
I didn’t know you had such skill!
I’ve changed my opinion of you,

Thrilled Girl: Oh, Ari!
I heard your shadow’s awesome!
Can you show it to me!
Evil King Stan: What is it with you!
Thrilled Girl: Omigod!
It speaks too!? Excellent!
Is it alive?
Evil King Stan: Hey girlie! What do you think I am!
I am the Evil King Stan, a symbol of
incomprehensible evil everywhere!!
Thrilled Girl: Wow! It tells jokes too!
Oh, I want one, too!

Playful Kid: Ari, show me your shadow!
Oh, please!
Evil King Stan: Shut up small fry! Gaze upon
my horrifying visage and fear it!!
Cry, pee your pants!!
Playful Kid: Yipee! The shadow!
The funny shadow! I saw it!
Cool Ari!

Standing Villager: Going along this road takes you
to a town called Madril.
Lately, ghosts have appeared, though.
I won’t say that you can’t go but
don’t leave until you’re ready.
You got it?

Old Lady in Trouble: Oh no, what should I do?
My hat got blown away in the wind.
Look, it is hanging there in the tree…
It is my favourite hat.
My late husband bought it for me…
Oh, what should I do?
Evil King Stan: Heh heh heh, whimpering old lady.
What powerless animals
human beings are!
let me show you my power!

*Stan stretches up and takes the hat down from the tree *

Evil King Stan: I am completely elastic, like this!
It’s a trivial task to retrieve your
lost hat!
Thankful Old Lady: Oh, thank you very much!
You must have been sent from
Evil King Stan: Hey, old bag! You don’t understand!
I am pure evil, through and through!
Evil King Stan! The name says it all!
Da ha ha!
Fear me!
Kneel and grovel before me!
Thankful Old Lady: Oh, thank you god…
Evil King Stan: No, not like that!
Thankful Old Lady: Thank you, god…

Curious Villager: Hey Ari!
I heard you learned a funny trick!
Everybody in the village is talking
about it! Your dad is all excited,
telling everybody about it!
Evil King Stan: A funny trick?
What is that?
Curious Villager: Wow! Cool!
Where’d you learn that,
Evil King Stan: What is he talking about?
Humans perplex me sometimes.

Evil King Stan: Strange, strange…
According to my plan,
as soon as I appear in this world…
human should be awed, terrified,
and flee in every direction…
And while quaking with fright
they are supposed
to swear obedience!
But, but…
Look at their reactions!
Ari: Responses: -That is strange!
-Oh well, things happen.
-Yeah, they should be laughing more.
Evil King Stan: What is that silly answer!
A loyal servant always says
”Yes indeed, master”, right!?
Whatever. The only thing
we have to do is display
my evilness through action.
And let humans know
what terror I can bring!
Now, let us get going, slave!
We will drive the village of Tenel
into horror and despair!


Evil King Stan: So this is Tenel Village?
This is it!?
This is no task for I, a
vessel of pure malevolence!
But hey, I might as well do it, ha ha!
Now, how shall I go about this?
Slave, first gather information.
It’s essential for proper subjugation.
Remember that!

Butcher Fatty’s:

Butcher: I just can’t keep the
store open any more.
There’s no way you can handle
meat without water.
But we’ve kept the tradition of
not even once closing the store
since my father’s days.
Here’s the deal…
That Ground Beef that I sold you
yesterday, I want to buy it back.
How about it?
I’ll pay you 30 Sukel.
Ari: Actions: -Sell it.
-Don’t sell it.
Butcher: Thank you! Here’s the money.
Yes, now I have something to sell.
I can keep the store open today!
*Ari has acquired 30 Sukel! *

Inn: Posting: We are closed.
We can’t even serve you tea…
Do something!! Landlord of Inn


parasol_hero January 18 2007, 19:46:07 UTC
Scared Guy: Oh Ari, did you hear?
Something terrible is happening!
Oh, good heavens, this is terrible!
Stan: Mwa ha ha! I knew it!! The dark
raging fire that is my unyielding
evil freezes his soul.
A perfectly normal reaction.
Ha ha ha!
Scared Guy: Wha…? What’s this?
Hey, nice trick.
Anyway, I don’t care about that.
I’ve got to tell you!
There’s a ghost in the church!!
Stan: Hey!!!
You are scared of some low rank
evil being and not scared of me,
Evil King Stan?! Fool human!
Scared Guy: Brr, scary! The ghost must be
eyeing the treasure that’s stored
deep within the Church!
Stan: Hey, don’t ignore the Evil King here!
Humans truly have no sense!!
What? A treasure?
What treasure?
Scared Guy: They say it’s an important treasure!
If we ever lose it,
our village is finished!
Oh no, that would be terrible!

Stan: …He he he.
Did you hear that, slave?
We’re in business.
We’ll get the village’s treasure and
laugh as they wallow in misery.
He he, if it’s indeed an important
treasure, it must be something that
can enhance my evil power.
He he he.
I can hardly wait to
have it in my grasp!
Plunder the treasure in the basement
of that church!
Then, you have to do something
about that off-limits issue.
Don’t just stand there. Get going!

Baker: Posting: Ran out of water for kneading bread,
so we’re closed. Oh dear.
Bakery Woman

Villager in Trouble: ….Looks like something bad’s
happening at the waterway
beneath the Church.
It’s causing the water to stop.
Ari: Responses: -Ask how to enter the Church
-Ask about the water shortage
-See you, bye.
Villager in Trouble: The Church is off-limits.
With special permission from
the Village Office you might
be able to get in.
But I wouldn’t if I were you!
I hear tell that there’s
a ghost in there.
You might get killed!
Today it’s gotten even worse.
Even the Butcher and the Bakery
are closed.

Loitering Villager: Oh shoot. The bar’s still closed?
Then I don’t have anything
to do. It’s so boring.
Eh? Why don’t I get a job?
Uh, that, well, hmmm.

Gossip Girl: Hey, this is what I heard.
The reason why the church’s become
off-limits is because a ghost is there!
Ari, are you
gonna go ghost bust?
If you succeed,
you’ll be a super star!
But, maybe there’s nothing
you can do about it.

Annie: Oh Ari!
I won’t worry about
the shadow any more!
They all tell me
how good it is on me.
I’m now so popular! Hee hee!
Thank you, Stan!
Stan: S, Stan?
Did she forget who I am?!
Talk sense into her, boy!!
Addressing an Evil King
without a title!?
Annie: Come on, why not?
Ari, don’t you worry, either.
Relax, okay?

Pudgy Boy: Wow, you look great, Annie!
The pink shadow is great on you!
You totally stand out!
That day of the circus,
I should’ve asked you out!
I was so stupid!

Faithful Housewife: Oh, that must be it!
My son got dumped
because I haven’t been to
Church lately! I’m sorry, son!!

Skinny Boy: Oh boy.
Julia dumped me…
There’s somebody she likes already…
Man, who is that guy?
Who is this damn lucky guy?

Village Elder: A rumor is spreading
from place to place
that an Evil King has been revived.
I just hope that it is just a rumor…

Local Goof Off: Lucky you.
If only I had a talent like you
my life would be a lot more fun.

Posting: Until further notice
please do not enter the Church.
Tenel Village Office

Village Office:

Serious Looking Leader: Hmmmm. Twist the valve
in the Church basement
and you should get water again….
This is a secret, but the basement
is haunted.
Hmm, what should we do?

Competent Looking Clerk: Our job as public workers is to
ensure the stability of the
everyday lives of the villagers.
But there is one more job
we have.
And that is to manage the villager’s
”Classification List”.
Ari: Responses: -“Classification List”?
-How would you classify me?
Competent Looking Clerk: Yes, “Classification Table”.
It’s the list sent regularly from
the King, who lives far away.
Based on the report that we send,
the list sorts the villagers
by character.
It maintains public order.
The new classifications for this year
should arrive from
the Royal City soon.
You were…
Ummm, let’s see…
I can’t remember.
You’re in somebody
else’s shadow somehow…
Oh, I don’t mean to be rude…
I’ll check it for you.
Our manager, your dad,
he doesn’t seem to like the
Classification Table too much.


parasol_hero January 18 2007, 19:48:36 UTC
Father: Hi, Ari.
Have you come to see your cool dad
at work again? I’m so proud of you!
Stan: Open the Church door.
Hurry lowly being!!
Open the door immediately!
Father: Hi Stan!
What brings you to the Church?
Stan: It’s not much of a business.
Nothing much, at all. He he he…
Ari: Responses: -Just open it, dad.
-Don’t be fooled by him, dad!
Father: Oh sure, by all means.
I have a feeling this will be
interesting. I’ll leave the door open!

Stan: Don’t be chicken, slave. Those lesser
evil beings are nothing in the face of
my awesome power. Now go!


Stan: Now let’s go, slave. We’ll get
the hidden treasure and they will
kneel before our dark might!
???: Oh, please wait, Master!
*James appears! *
James: …No, no, don’t reveal it all.
It is a delightfully evil plan, Master!
However, there is one thing…
Ari, you’re a rookie and
not so sharp, so you should at least
try not to be in Master’s way!
So long!
*James vanishes *

Church Basement:

Fountain: Water has stopped.
Open the valve in the room
at the end,
and the water should flow again.

*there is a red ghost in the basement *

Ghost: Booo, boobah, bah?
(Hm, where am I?
I’m lost again.)
Stan: So, you’re the third class demon,
who stands in the way
of my ambition!
Step back! Keep your head low!
Ghost: Booh, baaah!
(Whoa, what a weird shadow!)
Stan: Ha ha ha! Look at it slave!
This low rank demon, he cowers
before my divine dark power!
Ghost: Boo bo bo behobooo!
(Oh, boy, this is too funny!!
What a weird shadow!)
Stan: Ah, I see.
You want to pledge allegiance to me?
Ghost: Bubabubaboo…
(Getting hungry…
He’s weak-looking. He’ll do.)
Stan: Yes, very good. Once you
become my follower, your
existence will be devoted to me!
Ghost: Booh boo ha!
(Time to chow!)

*Ari fights and defeats the ghost*

Stan: Phew…
That was odd…
Oh well, never mind.
I did get rid of that floor-scrubbing
demon, who turned against me!
Mmm? Look, slave!
That must be the treasure,
that the villagers were talking about!

*Ari has acquired “Odd Glass Tube”! *

Stan: What is this?
It’s just a piece of
broken machine!
Grrr! They’ve tricked me!
They will pay for this!
My wrath will know no end, boy!!
Blasted commoners!
How dare they blatantly lie
calling the water valve a treasure!
Go slave!
Those villagers have to be taught.

*Ari opens the valve to turn the water back on *
Fountain: The water is flowing.
We’re okay now.

*Outside the church, a crowd has gathered *

Voice of a Villager: Good work, Ari!
Way to go!

Voice of a Villager: Thanks, that was great!

Voice of a Villager: Ari!!
Turn this way for me!

Voice of a Villager: How did you get rid of the ghosts?
Let’s hear it, Ari!

Voice of a Villager: Yeah, tell us how, Ari!

Voice of a Villager: Ari!
Hey there, Ari!

Stan’s voice: Grr, they’ve got it all wrong!
It was all my doing! Evil King Stan
is the proper target of
your affection!
Oh well, this is good timing.
They are all assembled to receive
the wisdom I shall bestow upon them!

Stan: Listen here, villagers!
I am the reincarnation of
the Evil King Gohma,
the Evil King of darkness, Stan!
Voice of a Villager: What? What’s going on?
Voice of a Villager: Say, isn’t that…
Stan: Now that I’ve returned to this
world, all that walks, flies or
crawls shall be my subjects!
As a reward for your willing
subjugations, I shall grant you
insects a long delightful purgatory!
I hereby declare,
I will saturate this land with a black
cloud of astounding malevolence!
My plague of evil will infect every
corner of this world! Bow before
your lord and master, Evil King Stan!!
Aha! They’re speechless!!


parasol_hero January 18 2007, 19:49:43 UTC
Voice of a Villager: …….
Voice of a Villager: ……….
Voice of a Villager: …Ha ha….
Voice of a Villager:…Ha, ha ha ha ha ha hah!
This is too much!
Voice of a Villager: Ari! I didn’t know
you were such a riot!
Voice of a Villager: Oh wow, this is good!
I’m gonna die laughing!
Voice of a Villager: That shadow trick of yours
is pretty slick!
Voice of a Villager: Hey, make sure to do a repeat
performance at the Festival, ya?
Voice of a Villager: Ha ha ha, Evil King Stan, did you say?
That’s priceless! Ha ha ha ha ha!
Voice of a Villager: Ari, enough of
the jokes now. Don’t you need to
be at home studying?
Stan: Hey, you peasants,
what are you laughing at!?
My great decree is to
be taken seriously!
You, that one there, stop laughing!!!
Voice of a Villager: Ha ha hah! He just keeps on going!
Voice of a Villager: Ha ha hah, please, ha ha stop,
my ha stomach, ha ha hurts!

Narrator: Thus Tenel Village
was filled with joy and laughter.

Stan: Why?
Aghh! I don’t understand!!
I am the Evil King!
I harbinger of impending doom!!
Yet the humans mock me…
They even laugh at me!
I’m so humiliated!
What am I…
What am I supposed to do?
Am I a failure as an Evil King?
Am I a hopeless Evil King?
Ari: Responses: -You’re not hopeless, Stan!
-You’re hopeless.
Stan: Really? So, it’s true?
Do I have to hear from
this lousy slave
that I am a lousy hopeless Evil King?
I’m tired.
I’ll rest for a while…
Silence! Don’t talk to me now!

Posting: Would you like to
come to confession?
Tenel Village Office

Village Office:

Competent Looking Clerk: This is weird.
A new “Classification List” has just
arrived from the Royal City, but…
Ari, your name
is not anywhere on the list!
Were you ever on the list at all?
Maybe it’s that weird shadow’s fault.
I don’t know…
Something’s wrong!
It’s just so weird…Just not right…

Serious Looking Leader: Phew, am I glad the water is back,
but I still have tons of work to do.
Busy, busy, busy.

Father: Whoa, good job, son!
I’m very proud of you!
I must say thanks to Stan, too!
Ari: Responses: -Aww, dad not him…
-Um, but…
-But dad, he hears voices!
Father: Hmm. So the Evil King got
his pride wounded?
Well, let me tell you something.
Lately, in Madril and
in other towns, too…
There’s this rumor going around!
If you want to hear about it,
ask the Scared Guy!
It’ll get Stan going,
that’s for sure!

Local Goof Off: Hey, you’re amazing!
You defeated the Ghost!
Well as strong as you are,
you’re off to travel then, huh?
To travel around the world
for adventure!
Ari: Responses: -Doesn’t sound too bad.
-Really? That’s it?
-(That’s it, aim high.)
Local Goof Off: There are disturbing rumors
all over the world…
Seems like an era of adventure,
don’t you think?
Who me?
I just like to be goofing off here,
dreaming of adventures…

Elder’s House:

Elder: Ari, well done.
I always thought that
you were a promising youth.
You can even make people
laugh with your shadow…
Alright! I’ve made up my mind!
Here, I’m going to give you this.
This is a Cyphertext created by a
secret society I belong to.
*Ari has acquired “Cyphertext 1”!*
Elder: Can you solve the mystery
of the Cyphertext?
If you successfully solve
the mystery, you can
join our team!
Sdnuorg sucris eht ot og s’tel”.
This is the Cyphertext.
I’m sure you’ll solve this.
I’ll be looking forward to it!
Gossip Girl: Hey Ari!
What kind of cool things can
you do with your shadow?
Hmmm, like…
Can you spy inside a room by
sliding underneath the door?
Ari: Responses: -I might be able to…
-Uh, well, I’m kinda busy…
- ……..
Gossip Girl: Oh, I’m sure you can!
Heh heh.
I bet you could hear everything!
Say, do you wanna hang out
with me?

Faithful Housewife: Oh, good.
I can start going to Church again!
Thank you, Ari!
By the way, I’ve always been
wondering, what kind of god’s
worshipped at this Church?
No one seems to know…


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