Sep 03, 2010 13:49

Well hey, I figured it was about time to make a personal LJ account that wasn't for RPing madness and posting kinkmeme stuff all the time. :B Okay, okay. I'll still be posting kinkmeme stuff. But really, it's refreshing to have an account that isn't attached to a particular fandom...I FEEL THE BREEZE, MANG. I FEEL IT SO CLEAN AND INTERNETY.

BACK TO MORE IMPORTANT MATTERS. I'm heading off MassART tomorrow, and it's makin' me trip bawls. I'VE NEVER COLLEGED BEFORE. WHOA. But yeah. I still have to pack everything, because it's just like me and my overly lax personality to put off important things until the last minute passes. And here I am, making a post on LJ when all my crap is decorating my room like a sadistic cupcake that turned it's insides all over the walls.
I'll get to it. Eventually. Yeah. Like now. No wait....uh...now.

Fuck, I need boxes.

And I hope there's enough room in my dorm for my Optimus Prime cutout. He's really useful for storing DVDS, markers, and comics, as well as kicking ass in the name of justice!

optimus prime, massart, welcome, college

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