my top thing that i hate, that i do myself is say yes to something and then not follow through. what a jerk i must be. i feel like one. here's the story:
i told my friend marcela (my friend nico's mom) that i'd go over to have some dinner at her house around 6. today i went out to have some lunch, and then went shopping for some thing that i needed for the meal on sunday (i'm throwing myself a party, a bit of a pot luck where i cook the most, which i like to do as most of you might know). as soon as i got out, it had completely slipped my mind that i was supposed to go to marcela's house. just completely and utterly. i don't know how this happens to me. even if i write things down it's impossible for me to remember them because i just walk around as if i hadn't a care in the world. it's like a distraction to go from one end of the room to the other...i forget everything i did. like alzeimers disease or something.
basically, i'm a fucking idiot that's got a loose memory wire in his head. i wish i had a better memory, but i don't. i have to remind myself of plans even within the same day. and it has to be from my cellphone, something that hits me on the shoulder and says, "you have to do this today." because if not, i'll forget it, practically guaranteed.
well, that's that, i suppose. honestly. i can't express my own rage at myself. without swearing several times and getting all pouty...kinda like this livejournal entry. sorry about it all, a personal thing, i suppose.