No, not really.
But I am now employed for the summer.
I'll be teaching two college algebra classes at the local community college. On different campuses. Both about a half hour from my house, but in opposite directions.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I have 10:50-11:55AM
Monday and Wednesday, I have 5:30-8:45PM
See, I was the only person qualified, which is pretty cool.
The department head said he was going nuts all last week until he remembered my envelope.
Plus I'm also going to be TAing a lab at the university... but I need to talk with the professor. It's only going to work if I can get first pick as to what labs I TA, since I'm not going to drive myself insane.
On top of that, there's still dance on Tuesday, more dance practice Saturday afternoon... so my only free evenings are looking to be Friday (sometimes), Sunday, and Thursday (but this is anime club, will need to decide if I can handle attending).
On the up side, I'm determined to fix my TA schedule so I have either Tuesday or Thursday completely off from school matters.
So, yes. Busy summer. I need to make sure I find some time for resting so as to not go insane, and also time for research.