May 11, 2010 22:31
A couple things...(about bonermania pv)
-Donghae let me have your children.
-I'll pin you up against that wall and just do all the dirty things I know to you ;D
-Super Junior has A+ hip thrusts...which = GREAT IN BED. That is if they have the endurance to last that long, but c'mon they're dancers and stuff - I'M SURE THEY CAN.
-Cheap ass pv - can't even afford some stripping.
-Still hella boring song.
-BUT AWESOME CHOREOGRAPHY. Hay thar cool footwork.
-Seriously, I'll sex it up with any one of them. A+ HIP THRUSTS.
`super jooniuh!,
"i like the motion of your ocean",
"babbbieeessss!!!!! i want",
`fishyfishy donghae love!,
feerings: boo,
feerings: asdfjasdf;lkj,
"i cannot contain my lust!",
important social issues: pv/mv