So I know I said it might be awhile before I posted but apparently it's not the case. I'm in a Harry Potter sort of mood so I'm working on my next generation project which has been on hold in my mind for a while. (Thank you college for consuming my time.) This is a character profile for one of my original characters who is the daughter of Oliver Wood and another oc Emilie. I've kind of written about her before in the sense that I wrote a one-shot about Oliver and Emilie while Emilie was pregnant with Melinda. It's located here Also the format I used for the profile I got from the HP Fanfiction Forums.
Name: Melinda Siobhan Wood
*Melinda was her paternal great-grandmother’s name and Siobhan was the name of her mother’s best friend who died during the Second Wizarding War.
*Some of her friends and family call her Mel or Mels. Classmates from other houses and some professors address her by her last name.
*Teddy calls her Melly or other various cutesy versions of her name, just to annoy her.
Birth date/Era: October 20th, 1999
Work/Schooling: Hogwarts, currently in her 6th year
She was sorted into Gryffindor her first year, as both of her parents were. Overall, she is a good student. Her strong classes are Charms and Astronomy and her worst class is Herbology. She usually gets average grades in most of her classes, doing a bit above average in Charms and Astronomy.
Family: Average sized family
*Oliver Wood - father, 40 years old, trainer for Puddlemere United, former keeper for Puddlemere United,
*Emilie Wood (nee Cooper) - mother, 39 years old, owner of Em’s Pastry Emporium
*Colin Wood - brother, 15 years old, Hogwarts student, one of Melinda’s closest confidantes
She gets along well with her parents, going to them for advice when the time calls for it. She shares the love of Quidditch with her father (not quite at his level of obsession) although she has no desire to continue to a professional career like him. She and her brother are very close and consider each other to best friends.
Blood status/Lineage: Pure-blood - Both of her parents come from pure-blood wizarding families. Her father is Scottish and her mother is Welsh. She tends to speak with an accent more similar to her mother's rather than her father's.
Home: countryside outside of Edinburgh, Scotland
Appearance: average height, around 5'6"-5'7"; long dark brown hair; brown eyes; fair skin; leans more towards a full figure
She generally pulls her hair back, either in a ponytail or a bun so that it's out of her eyes. Her hair is naturally wavy and can be a bit frizzy if it's humid enough. Her skin is fair with a bit of freckles on her face and arms. She has a birthmark on the back of her left shoulder and a scar on her left leg from a Quidditch accident. She has had her ears pierced twice and generally wears only a little bit of make-up if any. When she isn't wearing the school uniform, she generally sticks with jeans and comfortable tops as well as the usual Puddlemere United shirt or jacket.
Personality: For the most part, she is a fiercely loyal friend and is more than willing to stand up for her friends, sometimes not realizing the consequences. She's gotten quite a number of detentions for getting a bit too "defensive" whenever someone insults her friends or family. She is fun-loving and enjoys goofing around with her friends. She can be quite stubborn like her father at times, whether she's right or not.
Special Skills: She has strong dueling skills and is generally a strong flyer. She tends to excel in Charms and Astronomy.
Weaknesses: She struggles with Potions and Herbology, more so with Herbology though. She continues taking them both at her parents’ insistence. She's gone to Professor Longbottom a number of times for extra help and has copied off her best friend, Audrey's homework a number of times. She also has a slight problem with talking back to professors and it has gotten her a few detentions and lost her house points in the past.
Romantic Interests: Teddy Lupin
Melinda met Teddy on her first time on the Hogwarts Express when she was looking for an empty compartment. He was a second year and asked her if she wanted to sit with him. They'd been best friends ever since. During her third year, she developed a crush on Teddy, not that she'd ever say anything. It's very much like Ron and Hermione's relationship in the sense that she's never had the nerve to say anything to him. They don’t usually argue like Hermione and Ron did but when he starts to take an interest in Victoire they start to, though Teddy isn’t sure of the real reason they’ve started fighting.
Enemies: Victoire Weasley (one-sided)
Melinda and Victoire are only enemies in the sense that she doesn't like fact that Victoire likes Teddy and has known him longer than her. It started as more of an annoyance during her fifth year and Victoire’s fourth year when she first noticed that the younger girl had a crush on Teddy. She especially doesn't like it when Teddy starts to take an interest in Victoire the following year after he realizes that she likes him. Before that the two got along fine and still kind of do. Victoire has nothing against Melinda and isn't aware that Melinda dislikes her.
Colin Wood: Colin is her little brother and probably her closest confidant. At home, they spend a majority of their time together. They were practically inseparable when they were kids. They look after each other. Colin is one of the few people who knows all of Melinda's secrets.
Teddy Lupin: Teddy and Melinda became best friends on the Hogwarts Express. Once she was sorted into Gryffindor, they started hanging out and quickly became best friends despite the age difference. They share a similar sense of humor and are protective of one another. He's kind of oblivious to the fact that Melinda likes him and is usually encouraging her to go out with guys. He's also fiercely protective of Melinda and has gotten in a couple of fights "protecting" her from guys he considers jerks. She usually berates him afterwards and tells him to mind his own business, even though she appreciates the concern.
Audrey Hart: Audrey is a half-blood Gryffindor in Melinda's year. The two met during classes their first year and worked together in almost every class, becoming close friends. She is one of Melinda's few girl friends and is the only person besides Colin who knows that Melinda likes Teddy.
Nathan Pearce: Nathan is a Ravenclaw who is close friends with Teddy and Melinda and dating Audrey. He's very laidback, except with his studies, and doesn't let much worry him. He's generally quiet and a good listener.
Quidditch: She played for the Gryffindor team for three years but quit after she fell off her broom during the final match her fifth year. The injury scared her and she's not very comfortable flying anymore.
Baking: Her mother owns a bakery and Melinda usually helps out in the shop during the summer holiday.
Allegiance/Motivation: Melinda is loyal to her friends, family, and Gryffindor.
Hope: Melinda's hopes are simplistic in nature. She mainly wants to get through school and make her parents proud of her. She's not a hundred percent sure what she wants to do after Hogwarts, though she is thinking of getting a job at the Ministry possibly in the Department of Magical Games & Sports.
Fear: Some of her fears include flying (for the time being), failing her NEWTs, and disappointing her family.
Goals: Pass Herbology, start playing Quidditch again, possibly get over her crush on Teddy
Pet: masked owl named Archie; the name came from the Watchmen comics which she discovered when she was fourteen in a Muggle shop with Teddy.
Wand: 12 ¾ inches, cherry, phoenix feather
What would they say about themselves: Um, hullo. I'm Melinda. I like pie. My best friend likes to make his hair look ridiculous. ("Hey" Teddy shouts from background, insulted.)
Back Story: Melinda was born a year after Voldemort's defeat at St. Mungo's Hospital. Since before she was born, she was a daddy's girl. When she was a year old, Oliver took her on her first broom ride and from that point on she loved to fly. When she was two years old, her little brother was born. She quickly took to the idea of being a big sister. She would help her mom look after Colin. When she was four, she got her first broomstick. It only went a couple feet in the air but she loved it. She and her brother always loved going to their dad's games and would put paint all over their faces before screaming like crazy during a match. When she was little, her mum would take her and her brother into town to the local playground and they would play with the Muggle children. They had to be careful what they said and one day Melinda accidentally started a fire by the swings. It was a few years before they were allowed to be around Muggle kids again. Their mom wanted to make Melinda could keep her abilities in check. When she got her letter from Hogwarts, she was so excited she ran through every room in the house, screaming with joy. Emilie almost had a heart attack; she was so scared something terrible had happened. The next day she forced her parents to take her to Diagon Alley so she could everything she needed. She was brimming with excitement the day she went on the Hogwarts Express, although she did cry from homesickness after her first week of classes. She joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team during her second year as a chaser. She was the youngest member on the team until Colin came to Hogwarts. He became the youngest seeker since the days of Harry Potter and for the weeks following nobody could go near Melinda without hearing her gush about how amazing of a Quidditch player her brother was.
In my mind, she's portrayed by Katie McGrath