Jun 22, 2005 00:54
love loved loved this day.
first day of summer love love love.
i love thunder storms.
i love finally getting all my graduation thank you notes in the mail.
i love pho with kaitlin caitlin kia, my babies.
i love kaitlin caitlin and kia!!!
i love uwajimaya with the girls, weird fruity gum for the plane tomorrow.
i love "let's party" candy.
i love salsa dancing from 9:30 to 12:30 and sitting out THREE SONGS THE WHOLE NIGHT, even if my feet have no love because they look like big red monsters.
i love dancing with pablo because we sex it up.
i love dancing with vasili because he is the sex.
i love cape cod for two weeks and gabriel garcia marquez for the plane.
love love
i love life
eeewwww i'm waking up in 5 hours and i'm still not packed.
oh well.