What a royal bloody tampon sucker!ayuboaxxOctober 23 2004, 13:17:39 UTC
Yeah I'm online and it's my first reply to anything in like 4 months or something. Yeah, you finally heard some of Rin's music! There new albums is not good though... Anyway, GOD! That guy sounds like the exact same Matt who lives here. Remember him? We went to the mall with him and he didn't like you because you supposebly "Couldn't afford" stuff. I drove him with me to get Tapioco (which you need to come down here for eventually) and he was like, screaming my car type all over the place. I'm proud of my car cause I'm actually paying for it, but I'm not going to go and yell it out to random people. It's not even his car! Ok, you know what he did at Target? He wanted to hold my car key there. I was all, why? He was all cause I want to feel better than the people here. What an ass! I was all, oh my fucking god, get me away from this FREAK! That's how it was the whole night too. We went for Korean food (my new favorite fad, kimchi, can't stop eating it, in fact, i ate so much that night i was shitting fire, haha) Matt didn't want to go in the supposebly "low class" korean resturaunt, so he waiting in the car for the full hour and a half. I also took pride in scaring him by saying he is a white boy and he will get his ass kicked by some gangs that hang out here. He actually believed me. It was really sad. Anyway, when I got done eating, on my way back Eugene and I were talking about him (you can only guess what we said and you will probably be right) Matt was sitting, in the DRIVERS SEAT of my bloody car. OMG! To show off to other people that, apparantly, he drives it! What a crack head! I was like, is this a joke? I got my revenge earlier though, he likes to pretend he drives other peoples cars as long as they make him feel better about himself (materialistic) so, I decided to test the range of my panic button. hehe Apparently, I have damn good range cause the car started lighting and sirening and he was freaking out! It was damn funny! He asked me about that as well, I was all, how strange, did you touch anything? It was so funny. Matt got his car totaled though. It was scary cause he was hit head on by some CRAZY ON HER CELL PHONE (probably) ASIAN WOMAN DRIVER! AAHHHHH!!! How terrifying! His Jetta, Omg, his Jetta, omg, was like, so totally totaled and smashed, like omg. Haha. So, for me to meet people, I have not not meet them using gay.com right? OK! I can do that. Sorry, got sick of bashing Matt. I hate being single dammit, my friends aren't enough anymore, I want to be carried around in some hot mans arms dammit! That's all! Ok, so that's a lie, I want other stuff too like, cuddling, and talking, and kissing and making out and fucking and ramming, and sucking. Ok, you knew that was cuming didn't you? hhaa. I need to get out more.
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