
Sep 02, 2003 19:14

Hey everyone, I am in Italy as I am writing this with my friend Andrea. He's gonna say a few words, so hit it Andrea...

Do you guys like goat cheese?

It's very good, anything else you want to say Andrea?

Leif's butt is sore! Guess why... I slept with him last night

........wait dude...hold on, these are two completely unrelated events. My butt is sore because we rode bikes...and we slept in the same room...but in seperate beds. Anything else Andrea?

The Hawaiian girl is very interesting... I wonder if she likes big fat italian sausages...

Alright...I'm beginning to think this was a bad idea. Let's see...what have we done here in Italy so far Andrea?

We hang out at the bitch (is that how you spell it??) doing a lot of tuffi, now we are in Piacenza and we are going to see Michelle Pfeiffer on the 5th... Leif is gonna make out with her...

you better believe the crap outta that one too. Bitch = beach, Tuffi = diving. And when we meet her we are going to be dressed up like the middle ages maybe, possibly, hopefully. I don't really care as long as I get to see her though man, holy crap dude, seriously. Italy has heard the voice of Cold Water Fusion now baby!! YEAH!!!

Well anyway...

peace out

will be home on the 10th

Anything last words Andrea?

Every time I sleep I have a dream...

Very nice words of wisdom. TUFFI!!!
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