Title: The Naughty List
Author: Dodger Winslow
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: #97: Writer's Choice: Pagan Gods & Devils
Rating: PG-13 for language
Word Count: 18,800
Spoilers: A Very Supernatural Christmas
Companion Piece:
Double-Edged by
DotficDisclaimer: I don't own the boys, I'm just stalking them for awhile ...
Summary: John smiled a little. The look in his eyes was at least twice as scary as anything Randy’d yet seen when he said, "There’s some crazy shit out there in the dark, Randy. Most of it would sound vaguely familiar if someone tried to tell you about it."
A/N: For some reason, as I was writing this, it became oddly important to me to construct monsters that later, upon John regaling Dean with tales of the hunt, would prompt his twelve-year-old pain-in-the-ass to look at him askance and say, "So, basically, you're saying you missed Christmas because you were hunting elves?" I have no idea why that became important to me, but it did. Without the amusement supplied by that singular line to use as creative fuel, I never would have finished this one.
The Naughty List (Part 1/2)
The Naughty List (Part 2/2)