Paranormal 100 is COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY. If you are happy with 25 prompts, please continue with your table. If you need a 100 prompt table monkey on your back, read on.
Also, if you want to add a few extra prompts to your table from the Paranormal 100, but you still want it to even out in terms of cells across your rows (5 cells for each row), just add some extra Writer's Choice prompts. Writer's Choice prompts must be paranormal in nature! (duh)
How to participate in Paranormal 100 and the Prompt Table The HTML you need to make a Paranormal 100 Table Definitions of the 100 Prompts If you are going to add any prompts to your table over 25, please comment here with that number so I can reflect it on the table of participants. You should be recognized for your insanity, especially if you're taking on the full 100!