I went by my vets office to schedule the surgery. The office manager told me that my vet will not be the one performing the surgery, that it would be her boss (the owner of the animal hospital.) I told her I was cool with that. She then told me that since Herm is 9, the vet wouldn't perform the surgery without an EKG (which is an extra $50.) I was a bit upset at the last minute additional cost, but I want this done as soon as possible so I went ahead and scheduled everything. Plus with all yall's help, I did raise $520. I'll just get the most important vaccine and put the others on hold while she heals.
So as for when it all will go down:
The pre-surgery blood screening will be done Tuesday, Dec 6 at 12:45 and provided all looks well (which there is no reason I know of why it shouldn't,) Herm will undergo surgery on Thursday, Dec 8 at 11:30am.
Here is the final estimate:
Again, thank you all for helping my cat. I will definitely be keeping yall posted :)