Oct 18, 2009 20:54
Well.. wow. July 2006 was when my dear, sweet journal was last written in. I feel neglectful. I feel as though things have change maybe just a little. I'm not a little girl anymore. I don't think I thought of myself as one at the time, but looking back, I can tell I was, maybe still am.
I still feel like I have much to learn from this thing we call life, but I suppose it's a ongoing process
There's been a big chunk of life left out of this journal, but most of it feels and sounds similar to my rants written previously. Life is a bit different now. No more complaints about being single or dating the wrong men, no more troubles with living with my mother. I am on my own, with my incredible husband off on a new journey.
Still happy to see I am friends with my beloved MAID OF HONOR MELLY. Alot has changed, but I feel like I have kept the important people in my life. ;)
The husband, our two animal children, Willow and CJ and I have recently moved across the entire country, we now reside in South Carolina. I like it here. Life is different, much different. There doesn't seem to be "polite niceness" here, either people are full of legitamate sunshine and smiles, or they are total assholes, no ifs ands or buts. This includes waitresses, check out clerks, as well as people just walking in the streets. The driving I suppose is about the same. People have no regard for traffic safety, it's frightening. I have never been anywhere in my life where so many cop cars are out and about on the freeways. Apart from the negatives here, I do love it, really and truly. The beaches are incredible, waffle houses are like woah, the happy people do make me smile, and the sun is nice. There seem to be trees everywhere. It's funny me saying that after living in Washington for 22 years, but it's true here, it seems everywhere minus the beach, there are trees. It's nice. Throughout the trees, everything, absolutely everything seems to be in close proximity to where we live. Convenient and a bit worrysome. I am brillant at getting myself lost, so I am at the moment trying my best to avoid the L word. The husband is wonderful however and bought me my very own GPS for my orange element. Life is good.
I am excited, super excited for the future. I love life. I adore my handsome husband. He is busy doing the Navy thing, about to be a teacher, I am proud of him. Me... I am trying to find a job at the moment, I have applied to several in this past weekend and am hoping for the best. I was a dental assistant in WA, previous to moving here, but alas I am not certified in xray taking, so we shall see where that takes me. I am flexible with the job getting, so long as it's not mcdonalds. I am pretty adiment, NO FAST FOOD. It doesn't have to revolve around dental. The plan most of all at the moment is for me to finalize my degree, I have settled on Dental Hygiene, Chris helped me find a school close by for me to attend and that's that. I have a bunch of courses completed through Olympic College back in WA, so that should be helpful in finishing school stuff up. Tis a Sunday soon to be Monday, I am hopeful for this upcoming week, I sense good things.
Until I have something else to write and I don't have an amazingly sweet husband already sound asleep waiting for some snuggles... I shall bid thee fairwell.
huggles and kissessses to my fellow Live Journal buddy, Melly! We are bringing LJ back, yo.