Aug 24, 2011 17:26
[Assume that there was lots of Kevin talking about systems during mirror!verse. Trying to encourage violence, let inmate run wild etc. etc.]
[Private to the Admiral]
I have a game that I need translated to the...X-Box? I have absolutely no idea how to convert it.
[Private to Slick]
I have something for you. [Or he will as soon as the Admiral gets back to him.] It's...
Yeah man. Just come and get it.
[Private to Toshiko. Seperately filtered to Rinzler so he can see.]
I uh..the last time we talked I was a jerk. In fact I was king of the jerks. I don't want to step on any toes.
Tron was...well. He was my friend. I can't change the past however and Rinzler has just as much of a right to live as he does. If there is anything that I can do for either of you, please don't hesitate to tell me.
I was wondering if I could a game with Rinzler? How about tossing the disc around? If not, that's totally fine. I just uh...
[Private to Rinzler]
...I'm sorry.